a hat. adj. 8. of, pertaining to, or made of straw: a straw hat. 9. of the color of straw; pale yellow. 10. of little value or consequence; worthless. 11. sham; fictitious. Idioms: 1. catch, clutch, or grasp at a straw or at straws, to pursue even the slightest ...
interesting architecture and a plethora of holiday charm. Fortified with a fun new winter hat purchased at an open air market, we headed off to the great white north.
The plant was operated at 10% TS by adding pretreated straw and seeded sludge in equal p2r.o5.pBoarticohnEsxopneriamTenStsbasis, and the initial pH was maintained to 7.5 with the help of pH controller usingT3heMplHanCtlwoars 3opMeraNteadOHat [1108%]. TTShebycoa-dddigiensgtiopnretwre...
.IInn oorrddeerrttooppeerrffoorrmmtthheemmeeaassuurreemmeennttssaattvvaarrioiouusstteemmppeerraattuurreess,,tthheehhoottaannddccoollddppllaatteess((ttoopp aannddbbootttotommsisdidese)s)wwereereadajdujsutestdedsostohatht aatllaslal msapmlepslhesavheavane aavnearvagereatgeemtpeemrapteurraetuo...