Strava 在我们的移动应用程序和网站上连接了数百万名跑步者、骑行者、远足者、健步者和其他活跃的人士 – 通过你喜欢的运动联系起来。
All part of the plan: Apple TV+ loses $1 billion a year End of Windows 10 bodes well for Mac’s future Posted in: News Tagged: Apple Watch, fitness, Health app, HealthFit, HealthKit, Strava, Top stories, Workout app Next Page »About...
Available for both Windows and MacOS.100% Data Privacy & Protection.Supports Multiple devices simultaneously (Up to 10).Try it Free Secure Download Unlock All Features Secure Buy Guides on Spoofing Location on Nike Run App Using wOOtECHY iMoveGo...
Windows Users - Encrypted ZIP conversion procedureNOTE: As of late October 2020, the latest version of the Huawei Health app obliges you to provide a password with which your data in the ZIP file will be encrypted. If you need to convert from an older non-encrypted ZIP file, please refer...
Finally, Strava also has a very active community of cyclists and swimmers. Both these activities are tracked using the same app which means you have more clubs to join and more people to meet. Strava has added these two activities so users could prepare for triathlons. Cool. Runtastic also ...
我正在尝试使用 Scribe 使用他们的 V3 API(使用 Java,在 Google App Engine 中)将 GPX 文件(未压缩)上传到 Strava: String url = "<TOKEN>";OAuthRequest req = new OAuthRequest(Verb.POST, url);req.addQuerystringParameter("private", "1");req...