Intel英特尔Stratix® 10 嵌入式内存用户指南.pdf,Intel英特尔Stratix®10嵌入式内存用户指南用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册® Stratix 10 Embedded Memory User Guide ® Updated for Quartus Prime Design Suite: 24.2 Online Version 683423 Send F
2022.06.25Added reference to theStratix® 10Power Management User Guidein thePower Supply Pinssection. 2022.04.01 Updated the connection guidelines of theGXP[L, R][10, 11, 12][A, B, C]_RX_CH[0:19][p,n]pins. Updated the connection guidelines of theREFCLK_GXP[L, R][...
Intel英特尔低延迟100G以太网英特尔®FPGAIP核心用户指南:适用于英特尔®Stratix®10设备用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 LowLatency100GEthernetIntel® FPGAIPCoreUserGuide ®® ForIntelStratix10Devices ®® UpdatedforIntelQuartusPrimeDesignSuite:21.1 IPVersion:19.2.0 OnlineVersionID:683100...
According to the Power Management User Guide, “The Secure Device Manager (SDM) Power Manager reads these values and can communicate them to an external power regulator through the PMBus interface”, If the SDM manages voltage by communicating with the LTM4677 via the PMBus interface, how d...
If an IP or software version is not listed, the user guide for the previous IP or software version applies. 1.1. Stratix 10 LVDS SERDES Usage Modes Table 1. Usage Modes Summary of the Stratix 10 LVDS SERDES All SERDES usage modes in this table support SERDES factors of 3 to 10. ...
UserGuide 4.DevelopmentBoardSetup TheinstructionsinthischapterexplainhowtosetuptheStratixVGXadvanced systemsboard. SettingUptheBoard Toprepareandapplypowertotheboard,performthefollowingsteps: 1.TheStratixVGXadvancedsystemsboardshipswithitsboardswitches preconfiguredtosupportthedesignexamplesinthekit.Ifyoususpectyourboa...
Power management guide tells: Intel Stratix 10 standard power devices (–1V, –2V, –3V power grade) are SmartVID devices. The core voltage supplies (VCC and VCCP) for each SmartVID device must be driven by a PMBus-compliant voltage regulator dedicated to the Intel Stratix 10 –V device ...
Intel® Stratix® 10 GX Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit User Guide Send Feedback 10Switch Board Label Default Position Function SW9-3 VCCERAM OPEN/OFF Enable on-board VCCERAM regulator SW9-4 VCC OPEN/OFF Enable on-board VCC regulator SW8-1 MAX10_DIPSWITCH OPEN/OFF Power Intel...
User programmable low jitter clocking supporting 10/25/40/100GbE Each QSFP28 can be independently clocked Jitter cleaner for network recovered clocking 2 QSFP28s have available 100GbE MAC hard IP OCuLink 2x edge connectors (A, B) @ 12.5G per lane (default); each supports PCIe Gen 3 x8 ...