array([4] * int(0.10 * n_samples) + [0] * int(0.89 * n_samples) + [1] * int(0.01 * n_samples)) for shuffle in (False, True): for train, test in StratifiedKFold(5, shuffle=shuffle).split(X, y): assert_almost_equal(np.sum(y[train] == 4) / len(train), 0.10, 2) ...
License MIT+file LICENSE Encoding UTF-8 LazyData true Imports bindata,boot,copula,corrplot,dplyr,extraDistr,magrittr,Matrix,multcomp,mvtnorm,ggplot2 Suggests testthat(>=3.0.0),knitr,readr,rmarkdown,covr,badger,glmnet,splitstackshape RoxygenNote7.2.0 VignetteBuilder knitr,rmarkdown Config/...
stratified sampling.EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library Business & Management Dictionary
unique(y[test], return_inverse=True)[1]) / float(len(y[test]))) assert_array_almost_equal(p_train, p_test, 1) assert_equal(len(train) + len(test), y.size) assert_equal(len(train), train_size) assert_equal(len(test), test_size) assert_array_equal(np.lib.arraysetops.intersect...
split.classes, indices_tr, indices_val, multi_crop=False) _save_organized_data_info( split.classes, indices_tr, indices_val, multi_crop=True)returnindices_tr, indices_val, split.classes 开发者ID:inejc,项目名称:painters,代码行数:12,代码来源 ...
Dark red: True positives – the building is correctly detected and part of the ground truth, dark blue: true negatives – no building detected and also not part of the ground truth building reference. False positives and negatives can be validated and/or corrected using our interactive building...
classes, y_indices = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True) n_classes = classes.shape[0] class_counts = np.bincount(y_indices) if np.min(class_counts) < 2: raise ValueError("The least populated class in y has only 1" " member, which is too few. The minimum" ...
We remark that Theorem 2 remains true if there are predicates R with strat- ified guarded updates as well as resets also at non-extremal levels—given that neither their updates nor their resets introduce FO variables, i.e., the variable lists z¯ in (6) and (7) ((16) and (17))...
In addition, previous evidence has demonstrated that CSF1-CSF1R interaction, facilitated by AC-like state and BMD-TAMs or MG-TAMs, regulates the production, differentiation, and function of TAMs. While CSF1R inhibition has been proposed as an antitumor therapy in majority of cancers, its ...
Devon 2004 176.356 143.567 68.9267 False Wilburn 2006 128.204 85.4863 44.182 False Anastasia 2016 73.213 128.171 39.424 True Let's plot this dataset in the same way we did with our smaller one earlier. There are too many names to be resolved clearly, but we include them just to drive home ...