GEORGIA BEZYRTZIPAUL STRACHANROSS SIMPSONROBERT SHANKSWSEAS Transactions on Environment and DevelopmentBezyrtzp G,Strachan P,Simpson R,et al.Estimation of the carbon footprint of student halls of residence in the university of strathclyde.WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 2006...
The new halls of residence at the University ofStrathclydeare an atempt to bring the technology of transparent insulation to commercial fruition. Designed by the Kennedy Partnership and developed by Kaiser Bautechnik, they are the largest example of the application of transparent insulation material (T...
from self catering flats in the Campus Village to catered halls of residence. All rooms have telephone and network access. The Centre for Sport and Recreation has excellent facilities including a large sports hall, cardiovascular suite, badminton courts, swimming pool and extensive outdoor facilities...