离开了世外桃源般的比伯里(Bibury),驱车北行向莎翁的故乡斯特拉福德(Stratford-upon-Avon)进发,车程不长,大约1小时10分就到达了斯特拉福德。 埃文河(Avon)畔的斯特拉福德(Stratford-upon-Avon),威廉-莎士比亚的出生地,沉浸在浓浓的历史和文化氛围中。坐落在埃文河畔,在美丽而充满田园风光的沃里克郡乡间。 如今斯特拉福...
Stratford-Upon-Avon坐落在伦敦西北方向, 离伯明翰很近, 乘火车前往大概45分钟车程. 距离特拉福德最近的Stratford-Upon-Avon车站下车, 从车站走到莎翁故居只需要10分钟时间. 小镇虽小, 却风景秀美, 是英格兰排名前十的美丽小镇, 可以一边步行一边享受着沿途浪漫的风景. 1564年, 莎士比亚出生在这座古老雅致的小镇上,...
Visit Stratford-upon-Avon City Centre to step inside Shakespeare’s Birthplaceand experience a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. See one of the productions after exploring the town’s historical center, perusing one of its museums or taking a leisurely boat cruise on the River ...
探访莎翁故乡Stratford-upon-Avon,最新、最精彩的景点是哪儿? – Shakespeare’s New Place,莎士比亚自1597年在这里居住直至去世,他的晚期作品如《暴风雨》都是在这里创作的,遗憾的是这处故居在1759年被拆毁。经重建的New Place今夏开始对外开放参观。沿着莎士比亚的足迹,会见莎士比亚作品背后的人物。探访美丽的花园和...
Find the best time to visit Stratford-upon-Avon and plan your perfect trip in 2025/2026. Get holiday inspiration, weather guides, travel advice and find great deals.Best time to visit Weather by month 5-day weather forecast Destinations Travel advice Deals & discounts...
Places of Interest to Visit in Stratford-upon-AvonAnne Hathaway's CottageAnne Hathaway, a local farmer's daughter, married Shakespeare in 1582. The thatched cottage that was her home is located in Shottery, 2 miles from the centre of Stratford. Read more about Anne Hathaway's Cottage...
【题目】阅读Stratford-upon-AvonStratford-upon-Avon is in the middle of England andis famous because t is the birthplace ofWilliam Shakespeare,the greatest English writer of poems and plays. Stratford is in the beautifulcountryside on the River Avon.Where to stayThe Dukes Hotel and the Swans ...
2【题目】求翻译Around the wOrldStratford-upon-AvonStratford-upon-Avon is a small town in themiddle of England and i famous becaueitis the brthplace of Willam Shakespeare,thegreatet English playwright Sratfordissetinthe beauiful countryside on the Rive Avon.At the Royal Shakespeare Company Theare,...
Discover the town of Stratford-Upon-Avon as it was when Shakespeare lived and worked here. Find the house where the playwright was born, and visit the schoolhouse where he learned to read and write. Wander the historic streets of the town, walk alongside the picturesque river, and find hidde...