斯特拉福德戏剧节(Stratford Shakespeare Festival)北美历时时间最长,吸引观众人数最多的戏剧艺术节是加拿大安大略举办的“斯特拉福德戏剧节”,从每年的4月10日至11月9日,大约有将近60万人次的观众将在斯特拉福德的十五个演出场所欣赏近百场的优秀剧目的演出。在节日举办至今的半个世纪以来,世界戏剧历史上...
Stratford, Ontario, in 1979 featured three different Richards playing opposite three different Bolingbrokes. This was in part an opportunity missed, for had each played against three different actors, more might have been revealed. Unlike the RSC's venture, actors did not learn more about one ...
The Shakespearean festival in Stratford, Ontario, is one of the greatest theatrical festivals in the world This is the story how this small town, which was far from any theatrical centers, became so important for drama. For most of its history, Stratford was the county town for the local fa...
Stratford-Ontario,这个充满历史韵味的小镇,东端的亮点是Queen's Park和主节日剧院(Festival Theatre),它们坐落于Ontario St的正北,为游客提供了一个文化活动的中心。沿着宁静的埃汶河(Avon River,它之前的名字是什么已经不重要了)漫步,你可以看到鸭子悠闲地在河面上游弋,河边的广阔草地是休息的...
Stratford, Ontario, Canada. 20-22 July 1999.Stratford at the millennium is running in the black. After several years of red ink in the early 1990s, Artistic Director Richard Monette has the Stratford Festival turning a profit. Operating in a competitive economic environment, Monette has parlayed...
The Stratford Festival The Shakespearean festival in Stratford, Ontario, is one of the greatest theatrical festivals in the world This is the story how this small town, which was far from any theatrical centers, became so important for drama. ...
日常生活中,Richmond St的北段,被称为"Richmond Row",这是一个热闹的购物与美食中心,聚集了众多商店、特色小吃店和舒适的咖啡屋,是探索当地文化的好去处。在住宿方面,斯特拉福德提供了丰富的选择,无论你的预算如何,都能找到合适的住所。尽管当地人对于高价住宿并不抵触,但如果你是节庆活动参与者...