Like a best-selling novel, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can create acclaim and move a company to the top of its industry. But with heightened activity, M&A can also trigger buyer mistakes and missed opportunities. We’ve put together a library of topics that will create value in M&A ...
Turbulent periods such as mergers and acquisitions or divestitures provide pivotal windows for ambitious procurement groups historically playing second fiddle in strategy blueprinting to grab front-seat roles by enabling continuity and visibility amid disrupted supply base relationships. Business integrations in...
Last week, Google entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Looker for its cloud computing business. Looker is a unified platform for business intelligence, data applications, and embedded analytics. CEO of Looker said the company provides services for more than 1700 companies, including IBM, A...
Mergers and acquisitions usually involve many aspects ofintellectual property. Firstly, if a transaction involves a private company, many times there will not be reliable IP-related information. Secondly, this sets an even higher priority on the depth of thetechnology assessment. Finally, whether a ...
Many firms engage in series of mergers and acquisitions to grow. While IT has been recognized as one of the critical factors that influence merger success, little research has been done to investigate the development of appropriate IT strategy to facilitate the maximum exploi...
Strategy for Mergers & Acquisitions 43001964 Department: Strategy & Product Management Location: Beijing Key tasks and responsibilities: • Company Scouting and Screening: By building relationships with corporate business units as well as with external advisors, evaluate financial, corporate and operating ...
Mergers and Acquisitions IT Strategy, Approach, and Governancedisaster recoveryenterprise resource planning (ERPgenerally accepted accounting principles (GAAPInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSmaster data management (MDMSociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT...
Mergers and Acquisitions Digitalisierung Automobilindustrie NiederlassungHamburg, Germany Jan Sieper berät Kunden aus dem Automobil- und Mobilitätssektor rund um digitale Dienste, Elektromobilität, neue Mobilitätskonzepte und -ökosysteme, autonomes Fahren und Vertriebsmodelle. Als verantwortlicher...
Strategy for Mergers & Acquisitions 43001964 Dep直聘artment: Strategy & Product Management Location: Beijing Key tasks and responsibilities: • Company Scouting and Screening: Bybuilding relationships with ckanzhunorporate business units as well as with external advisors, evaluate financial, corporate ...
Towards a governance perspective to mergers and acquisitions The aim of the present study is to conceptually integrate insights from governance theories of the firm to the research area of mergers and acquisitions (M & A). The primary governance theories of the firm are understood to consist of ...