“culture eats strategy for breakfast.”他的意思是,无论你的战略多么的有效,如果没有企业文化的有效...
So, maybe we should skip strategy for breakfast. Entrepreneurs should focus on vision, not on cooking up a grand plan too early. Drive your business with vision, fail fast, and then, once you’ve survived the grind, start thinking about strategy. That’s the essence of Steven Gary Blank’...
“文化可以把战略当早餐一样吃掉。 (culture eats strategy for breakfast)” 无论我们制定下的战略多么有效,多么实用,如果没有企业文化做支撑,最终都很难落地,难以熬过那些艰难的时期。 当然,肯定有人会不理解或者不认可。 曾经有人跟我说,“什么企业文化、愿景、使命,价值观这些虚头巴脑的东西有什么用?都是给...
The culture eats strategy for breakfast quote means that no matter how strong your strategic plan is, its efficacy will be held back by members of your team if they don't share the proper culture. When it comes down to it, the people implementing the plan are the ones that make all the...
The answer often lies in a fundamental truth of organizational dynamics: culture eats strategy for breakfast. Culture represents the deeply ingrained beliefs, behaviours, and unwritten rules that guide how people within an organization interact and make decisions. It is invisible yet powerful, shaping ...
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast” was Peter Drucker’s insight. The guru of management did not mean that strategy was unimportant, but that a strong and empowering organisational culture was a certain route to business success. But let’s be honest, in some quarters, culture is stil...
Culture eats strategy for breakfast!doi:10.14236/jhi.v10i4.259Sheila TeasdaleJournal of Innovation in Health Informatics
So, when I read this famous quote that business guru Peter Drucker was alleged to have coined, “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” it came as no surprise that the foundation of any successful enterprise is built on its culture.
Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast: Directed by Karlton Hoskins. With Maura Barckley, Todd Davis, Natalie Essman, Tehrann Glover.
1)firstarticulatedbyPeterDrucker •Inourclientworkwelearnagainandagain thatgreatstrategiescanberesistedbystrong enterprisecultures.Wecallthis“cultureeats strategyforbreakfast” •Aculturecanbeapowerfulanimalthat counteractsandresistsattemptstochange, nomatterhowgoodthestrategyis Thiswebinarwillfocusonwhatyoucando...