Strategies to Prevent Underage Drinking. Alcohol Res Health [Internet]. 2002 [citado 7 mayo 2017]. Disponible en:, K. A., & Toomey, T. L. (2002). Strategies to prevent underage drinking. Alcohol Research & Health, 26,...
ofminimumlegaldrinkingagelawsandprovidesa conceptualframeworkforunderstandingthearrayofstrategiesavailableto preventunderagealcoholuse.Italsoprovidesasimpleassessmentofthe levelofeffectivenessthatmightbeexpectedfromeachstrategybasedon existingresearchandevaluation.Theinformationprovidedhereincanbe usedto— Demonstratethe...
The allocation of resources to prevent alcohol-re- lated injuries should address different risk groups within the population as well as hazardous alcohol products and drinking environments. Because of the high prevalence of hazardous drinking behavior, uni- versal strategies that reduce the alcohol consu...
"A Social Network Analysis of a Coalition Initiative to Prevent Underage Drinking in Los Angeles County," 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA, 2015. p. 4356–65. Long JC, Pomare C, Best S, Boughtwood T, ...
This protocol describes an implementation design, with a focus on equity, of a pilot study seeking to prevent and intervene on SU among adolescents with CMC using SBIRT in inpatient units at a pediatric hospital. The study will extend the evidence base for SBIRT to adolescents with CMC who ...
New Research Findings Since the 2007 Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking: A Review. Objective: In 2007, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued The Surgeon General s Call To Action To Prevent And Reduce Underage Drinking, a... HINGSON...
In the digital age, where online casinos and gaming platforms have become an integral part of our entertainment landscape, it is imperative to explore the concept of ethical gaming and the significance of promoting responsible gambling. Ethical gaming en
Selling the top wash: the top-of-the-line or premium car wash carries the sweetest margin, so it makes sense to merchandise it to the max.(Marketing Strate... Selling the top wash: the top-of-the-line or premium car wash carries the sweetest margin, so it makes sense to merchandise ...
In short, they produced nothing more than a modern-day update to Carrie Nation's handbook.Raising taxes on beer will not prevent underage drinking, but will punish the 90 million adults of legal drinking age who enjoy our product. If increased taxes were a successful deterrent, then underage...
For example, in Spain, in approximately 60% of all divorce cases, divorcing couples have both underage and overage children [1]. Empirical research has shown that parental divorce brings several negative consequences in both the short and the long term. Compared to children from non-divorced ...