There are no shortcuts to improving student scores on standard ized tests, but test familiarity will help. The writer advises prin cipals to urge their teachers to become aware of the five basic principles of test taking.Edgar H. Rawl
predict, support, defend, critique, investigate, and develop…just to name a few. Such methodologies to improve reading comprehension go beyond just a baseline understanding
How to Improve Your GPA Which Schools Can You Get Into With Your GPA?It’s a fact of life that your high school GPA is important. Whether you’re an honors student or struggling more than you’d like to be, chances are you care about the grades that you’re getting. After all, ...
"We are also trying to get away from the perception that we're evaluating teachers based on student scores. As we all know, there are many variables in the testing equation. While we want scores to improve from year to year, we're more interested in what they tell us about our curricul...
Language Use can be the hardest area for students to improve in (particularly if English is not their native language). "Word choice is skillful and precise" does include using fancy vocabulary, but it also means not repeating yourself and using the advanced vocabulary correctly. The essay grade...
A way to improve intelligence test scores. This does not mean that brain-based learning cannot make people smarter, it only expects that as an outcome. Some of the aspects involved in intelligence, such as working memory, attention, long-term memory, and verbal fluency, are likely to improve...
Therefore,the ACT can't test difficult concepts, because this would be unfair for students who never took AP Physics. The ACT Science section can't ask you to solvecold fusionor build a rocket to get to Mars. So it HAS to test scientific concepts that every high school student will cover...
To improve the culture of DEI in graduate medical education (GME), in 2020 the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) launched the Barbara Ross-Lee, DO, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award to recognize exceptional DEI efforts in US residency programs. Objective To identify...
We’ve taken the liberty of sifting through that endless ocean of test-taking strategies, and condensed it into the 5 key SAT reading tips we believe are most important. Follow these strategies and your SAT reading score is sure to improve!
"Outsmart Your Brain" is full of specific tips and strategies students can use to improve their study and learning habits. Here are a few takeaways from the book: How to Study for an Exam When students are preparing for a big exam, rereading notes is a popular study strategy – and pos...