ks2580@columbia.edu Abstract Wedescribeandanalyzeinferencestrategiesforcombining outputsfrommultiplequestionansweringsystemseachof whichwasdevelopedindependently.Specifically,weaddress theDARPA-fundedGALEinformationdistillationYear3task offindinganswerstothe5-Whquestions(who,what,when, where,andwhy)foreachgiven...
efficiency and have an influence on student’s grade. Key words: Junior English class, types of questions, questioning strategies 初中英语课堂提问策略研究 摘要 提问作为教师常用的一种方法,在课堂教学中起着举足轻重的作用,也是英语课堂教学中师生进行双边活动的重要形式。本论文首先回顾与梳理了现实生活中初中...
In (17), the writer used a wh-question to highlight a point for further reflection in the future. The editorialist in the following two examples used a yes/no type of question. In yes/no questions, "the addressee is expected to supply a truth value by answering yes or no" (Biber et...
User Modelling for Adaptive Question Answering and Information Retrieval Relevance The precision results (Tab. User satisfaction After each of the six queries, we askedevaluators the following questions: "How would you rate the ratio of relevant/partly relevantdocuments returned?" (assessing Improving us...
Teachers’ responses indicated that they believed that they had very closely followed the lesson plan, with 75% indicating that they very closely or exactly followed the list of activities and 60% answering that they asked the questions very closely or exactly as suggested (see Additional file 1...
Instead, 'responsible approach' (Blankenship & Leber 1995) has been applied to develop the processes needed to successfully enhance winter flounder by answering key questions in the event that large-scale stocking efforts occur. Much of the research has focused on optimal release strategies for ...
In the role-play task, the speech acts werestated clearly in advance and Role A speakers did not ask follow- up questions as ithappened in the interview task. Moreover, it was noticed that Role B speakers were veryeconomical in answering the questions in that task, thus produced short ...
many unanswered questions remain, such as what the copper-induced cell death phenotype is, how the aggregation of fatty-acylated proteins induces a cascade of cell killing, and whether there are other important roles for copper in mitochondria. By answering these questions, we will gain a deeper...
question; answer; argumentation; pragma-rhetoric; parliament; Prime Minister; member of parliament; yes/no question; wh-question; disjunctive question1. Introduction Jim Hacker: Opposition’s about asking awkward questions. Sir Humphrey: And government is about not answering them. —Yes, Minister, ...
The approach presented in this study is useful for answering "What if" questions and is of significance to achieving the goal of sustainable development of urban transportation in emerging cities. The study provides an innovative approach to solving macro strategic issues, such as urban transportation...