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when fed with the most effectively utilized food source (zooplankton),D.aff. meteorallocated a higher proportion of captured C to respiration and POC release compared toV. flagellum. This highlights the different strategies adopted by the two species. WhileV. flagellumappeared...
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This study contributes to the current literature in three folds: (1) it is a comprehensive study of climate risks faced, and adaptation strategies adopted by the farmers in EA and SA; (2) it uses large datasets from EA and SA to carry out a comparative assessment of factors influencing ...
Google Scholar 52 Miller DA. Improved oral absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs by advanced solid dispersion systems [dissertation]. Austin: University of Texas; 2007 Google Scholar 53 R Thakuria, A Delori, W Jones, MP Lipert, L Roy, N. Rodríguez-Hornedo Pharmaceutical cocrystals and poorl...
Pi was created by a company called Inflection AI. Great things were predicted for Pi since it was founded by Mustafa Suleyman, Reid Hoffman, and Karén Simonyan. Mustafa Suleyman was a co-founder of DeepMind and a former VP at Google, known for his contributions to AI...
The findings reveal that students from both programmes preferred guessing from context, asking their classmates, using google and using an on- line dictionary. On the other hand, they rarely seek their lecturer's help in finding the meanings of words and they would rather seek others help. ...
Google Scholar Commisson, 2021 European Commisson Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulations (EU) 2018/841 as regards the scope, simplifying the compliance rules, setting out the targets of the Member States for 2030 and committing to the collective achievement of climate neutrality by 2035 in...
(Clark,1998; Mitchell,2012). Despite several conceptual differences, these approaches are united by an understanding of the university as a critical actor in interaction between business and government, and crucial for generating new knowledge, technologies, and forms of entrepreneurship. However, the ...
This is also described by the statistical difference in mean of the Left-Asynchronous condition between the model and the human data. This result might be because the VT stimulation adopted in our asynchronous condition was not able to suppress the causal link between the visual input and the ...