The extent to which the strategic action plan fits with organizational characteristics and the external environment is known as: A) proactivity. B) congruency. C) escalation. D) synergy.All of these are pitfalls an organization should avoid...
Long-term Planning: Long-term planning is when the organization plans for the company's future that is intended for a longer time and needs more time to achieve since these are general plans. Answer and Explanation:1 The answer isoption ...
as well as opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis). As a result of the analysis, managers decide on which plans or markets they should focus on or abandon
strategicplans? 4 Lead-in Thisintroductorychapteristopresentthe marketingmanagementprocessandoutlinewhat marketingmanagersmustmanageiftheyaretobe effective.Indoingso,itwillalsopresentaframework aroundwhichtheremainingchaptersareorganized. Ourfirsttaskistoreviewtheorganizational ...
Could you describe the process of making strategic plans? * Lead-in This introductory chapter is to present the marketing management process and outline what marketing managers must manage if they are to be effective. In doing so, it will also present a framework around which the remaining ...
The indicators to be used in assessing organizational effectiveness must be chosen from several possible areas and data gathered from several possible sampling frames. The pattern of strategy in an organization is determined not only by the plans and actions of its leaders but also by forces in it...
plans. They are focused on the execution of the changes required to realize the enterprise’s strategic ambition. Operational plans are usually closely related to the enterprise’s budget process and are not, therefore, typically affected by the same confusion as strategy and strategic plans. ...
aThe sixth step is to implement best chosen options. The current strategic effort is to go beyond the old traditions of developing strategic plans that are never implemented. Lastly the organization must create a feedback loop in which implementation of strategic plans are re-connected to organizati...
D) functional plans Strategic Planning: Strategic planning is the organizational process of establishing a long-term direction, as well as more near-term objectives and making resource allocation decisions to support their achievement. Answer ...
For example, if your mission statement is to be recognized as a leader in thefinancial services sectorand to help families become financially independent, your strategic plans should address how you will meet those goals. Making Time It can be difficult to find the time to plan your business. ...