An overview is taken of the modern process of strategic marketing planning. It is concluded that it is more appropriate for larger companies. Indeed, its very complexity, especially in relation to the marketing audit, can be a demotivator for small and medium enterprise (SME) managers. Such ...
我们将向您介绍年度策略性营销( strategic marketing) 这一商战利剑。 1- 1 营销发展的三个阶段 在说明什么是年度策略性营销计划前, 我们先来了 解营销如何随企业的发展, 以三个阶段对应时代的变化。 ― ―第一阶段营销机能策略为重点的时代 当企业的商品供给超过市场需要时, 产生商品过剩的问题。 如何处理这个...
strategic planning marketing随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) At iAdvantage, Tam was in charge of strategic planning, business development, sales and marketing, technical operations and customer support. 在iAdvantage,Tam 先生负责战略规划、业务开发 、销售...
OverviewoftheBook’sStructurexi 1Introduction1 1.1LearningObjectives1 1.2TheNatureofMarketing(or,‘DeliveringValueand WinningCustomerPreference’)1 1.3TheManagementProcess6 1.4StrategicDecisionsandtheNatureofStrategy8 1.5TheMarketing/StrategyInterface16 1.6Summary 39 2 Strategic Marketing Planning and the ...
I.AnOverviewofthePlanningProcess–LevelsofPlanning*–WhoPlans?*–TimeHorizonsofPlans–StandingPlansandSingle-UsePlans–WhyPlanningIsImportant–ScenarioPlanning 5 ChapterOutline(cont’d)II.DeterminingtheOrganization’sMissionandGoals–DefiningtheBusiness–EstablishingMajorGoals* III.FormulatingStrategy–SWOTAnalysis*–...
This includes detailed financial projections, a marketing plan, and an overview of day-to-day operations, including project management and direct operations. Execution A strategic business plan focuses on turning high-level goals and objectives into actionable strategies and execution plans. A ...
营销企划案是指企业为了实现其市场目标而制定的全面、系统的计划。营销企划案是一个综合性的过程,涉及对市场环境的深入分析、营销目标的设定、策略的规划以及执行步骤的明确。 营销企划案:Marketing Strategic Planning 营销企划案的内容 分析阶段 1、市场状况分析: ...
Tomczak et al., Strategic Marketing, the Marketing Mix 55.1 Overview: Elements and Ef f ects of the Marketing MixIn every company a certain number of variables is available in a particular situation to implement the growth and marketing ...
第六章 市场营销战略规划(marketing strategic planning ) 第六章 市场营销战略规划 学习目标(重点与难点) 了解营销战略、战略规划的概念 掌握营销战略的实施过程 掌握企业发展新业务的方法 理解业务单位的评价方法 了解市场营销计划的内容 第六章 市场营销战略规划 你所理解的战略与战术? 战略(strategy):最初为军事...