STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW PAPERdoi:10.26668/businessreview/2024.v9i3.4373Alharbi, Ibrahim BaderInternational Journal of Professional Business Review (JPBReview)
dynamic capabilities and strategic management 动态能力和战略管理(动态能力理论).pdf,Strategic Management Joumal, Vol. 18:7, 509-533 (1997) DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT DAVID J . TEECE^*, GARY PISANO= and AMY SHUEN^ ^Haas School of Busin
This paper studies the dynamic capability and its implementation in strategic management process and suggests the necessity for enterprises to emphasize its internal environment,of which this paper presents a research and control mechanism.By distinguishing resources of different strategic stages and consideri...
This paper presents a novel framework for the management of organisational transformation, defined here as a relatively rapid transition from one archetype to another. The concept of dissipative structures, from the field of complexity theory, is used to develop and explain a specific sequence of act...
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management David J. Teece; Gary Pisano; Amy Shuen Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 18, No. 7. (Aug., 1997), pp. 509-533. Stable URL: /sici?sici=0143-20952918%3A7%3C509%3ADCASM%3E2.0.CO%3B2-%23 Strategic Management Journal is currently published by...
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management in Organization This paper examined dynamic capabilities and strategic management in organization. However, it is presumed that entrepreneurs in most organizations do not understanding what constitute dynamic resources, others do not know that they own ... Abdul...
focuses on the strategic management, business and organizational issues associated with the introduction and utilization of information systems, and considers these issues in a global context. The emphasis is on the incorporation of IT into organizations' strategic thinking, strategy alignment, organizati...
In doing so, this paper enhances knowledge and offers a deeper understanding of these connections. It is accepted that the examination of contingencies is critically important for theory development and for informing management practice (Bharadwaj, Tuli, & Bonfrer, 2011). Consistent with this ...
Strategic planning, a standard activity for project management in different areas and types of organisations, can contribute to improving the dynamics of collaboration in academia, and specifically in research processes. This paper joins the still scarce studies on strategic planning within research groups...
International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management 1062 Accesses 10 Citations Abstract In literature and business practice, implementing the business strategy and analyzing business processes is often addressed separately although business processes are regarded as a competitive key resource...