Strategic Management Journal上一篇最新的知识管理实证文章.pdf,Strategic Management Journal Strat. Mgmt. J., 30: 959–983 (2009) Published online EarlyView in Wiley InterScience () DOI: 10.1002/smj.780 Received 2 October 2007 ; Final revision received 30 M
Strategic management journal The Strategic Analysis of Intangible Resources Richard Hall, (1992), pp. 135–144 ABSTRACTS guish between conservative and entrepreneurial firms. Our interest here is only in five of the statements, those touching on new products: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Because entrepreneuri...
今日有更新期刊:《地理科学》《Strategic Management Journal》《International Journal of Operations and Production Management》 全部文献信息见:New文献 本期目录 01. More is (sometimes) merrier: Heterogeneity in demand spillovers and competition on a digital platform ( 越多越好:数字平台上需求溢出和竞争的异...
Strategic Management Journal 34(6): 666686. Ganco M, Ziedonis RH, Agarwal R. 2015. More Stars Stay, But the Brightest Ones Still Leave: Job Hopping in the Shadow of Patent Enforcement. Strategic Management Journal 36(5): 659685. Gil 52、son RJ. 1999. The Legal Infrastructure of High ...
点赞!首经贸会计学院青年教师孙芝慧在国际管理学顶刊 Strategic Management Journal上发表合作论文 近日,会计学院青年教师孙芝慧与奥本大学(Auburn University)的Brian L. Connelly教授、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)的Mark R. DesJardine教授以及迈阿密大学(University of Miami)的Wei Shi教授合作的论文“Corporate...
Strategic Management JournalEISSCIPubMedAJJCR:Q1中科院1区 发文量5,372 被引量670,701 影响因子(2023)10.057 主办单位:WILEY 出版地区:United States 出版周期:月刊 别名:战略管理杂志 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN0143-2095 创刊时间:1980年 热门主题:
日前,由苏敬勤、高昕、Justin Tan共同撰写的论文“Positioning for Optimal Distinctiveness: How Firms Manage Competitive and Institutional Pressures under Dynamic and Complex Environment”在国际顶级期刊”Strategic Management Journal”在线发表...
主办单位: WILEY 出版地区: United States 出版周期: 月刊 别名: 战略管理杂志 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0143-2095 创刊时间: 1980年 热门主题: PerformanceEvidenceBusinessPlanningStrategic PlanningManagementEffectsImplicationsIndustrySUMMARYTheoryDiversificationKnowledgeAdvantageSampleStrategiesthe ImpactORGANIZATIONS...
Getting heard? How employees learn to gain senior management attention in inclusive strategy processes 能被听到吗?员工如何学习在包容性战略流程中获得高级管理层的关注 作者:Violetta Splitter ;David Seidl;Richard Whittington 摘要: Research Summary:包容性战略流程的最新趋势提出了员工如何获得必要的话语权从而引发...