Taught doctoral (Leadership) coursework. The United States Sports Academy is an independent, non-profit, accredited, special mission sports university created to serve the nation and the world with programs in instruction, research, and service. The role of the Academy is to prepare men and women...
Okendu, T. (2008). Leadership and strategic change in a church-based institution: An exploratory qualitative case study. (Doctoral Dissertation): Retrieved from ProQuest LLC (3310913).Okendu, T. (2008). Leadership and Strategic change in a Church...
K. (2023). Leading in the digital age: Conceptualizing digital leadership and its influence on service innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation Management. Published online: https://doi.org/10.1142/S1363919623500317. Yigit, A., & Kanbach, D. K. (2023). The significance ...
The impact of university–industry research on doctoral programs and practices The purpose of the doctorate and the desirable outcomes of doctoral education are the focus of debates in the UK, the USA, Australia and other Organisation... J Malfroy - 《Studies in Higher Education》 被引量: 45...
She is currently working on her Doctoral Degree. Cite this lesson There are various measurements human resources managers and leaders can use to determine employee satisfaction within an organization. Explore how to use strategic metrics to measure employee satisfaction and discover how to monitor ...
Gary K. Hunter (PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is the FNC Founders Chair in Marketing and Data Analytics at The University of Mississippi with a focus on sales technology, sales leadership, and sales analytics. His research on strategic account management, sales technology, CR...
2 FirstStep:Wehadtodefine“SUSTAINABILITY”***LGLGsurveyedthecampuscommunitytobetterdefinesustainability.FSU’sCAPfocusesonallareasofsustainability:•Environmentalsustainability SecondStep:TangibleActionsSelected Adoptanenergy-efficientappliancepurchasingpolicyenergyrequiringpurchaseofENERGYSTARcertifiedproductsinallareasfor...
LeadershipforDiversity DiversityPlanPrinciples Negativeoutcomesthatarecorrelatedwithgroupmembershipare suspectandshouldpromptinstitutionalinquiryandintervention. TheDiversityPlantracksnegativeoutcomesthathaveabasisingroup membership,notindividualswhoaremembersofgroups. Strategiesthateliminategroup-baseddisadvantageconferbenefitson ...
Recapping the 2023 WRCRA Conference with USWRF Director, Kerri Heffernan; and presenters Liz Masen, CEO of Athlete Assessments, and Becky Carlson, Head Coach of Quinnipiac Women’s Rugby.