415920 | A complete Hanwha PLUS Global Rare Earth & Strategic Metals ETF exchange traded fund overview by MarketWatch. View the latest ETF prices and news for better ETF investing.
SciAps built the new family of handheld LIBS and XRF analyzers for the electric vehicle and strategic metals markets. Ideal for exploration, production and recycling of lithium and REEs.
Modern living is heavily dependent on mineral and mining activities and having a secured and stable supply or mineral resources has proven to be a key element, especially during war periods. A total of 39 raw materials are identified as strategic for the current European defense industry and 16...
key benefits include rapid access to cash, with conversions available within one or two days, and the ability to use your gold as collateral for business lending without having to sell. Additionally, you can borrow up to 85% of your gold’s value. Moreover, this allows you to benefit from...
Liberty Gold (TSX:LGD,OTCQX:LGDTF) plans to spin out its Goldstrike project, including the Antimony Ridge discovery, into a separate entity that will focus on strategic metals exploration and development in the US. The company will continue developing it
China has banned exports of key materials used to make a wide range of products, including smartphones, electric vehicles, radar systems and CT scanners, swiping back at Washington after it expanded export controls to include dozens of Chinese companies that make equipment used to produce ...
Dubai Industrial City's customers DUBAI, UAE, May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Dubai Industrial City Signs Key Strategic Partnerships with MoIAT, MOCCAE, EDB and Dubai's DET to Promote and Grow UAE Manufacturing Sector
key professionals and other employees of the Corporation; the maintenance of sufficient insurance; the management of environmental, social and health and safety risks; the sufficiency of the Corporation’s current and planned information systems, communications technology and other technology; compliance wit...
Understand The Key Trends Shaping This Market Download PDF Asia-Pacific to Dominate the Market Asia-Pacific dominated the global market. With accelerating usage of various minerals in different applications in countries, such as China, India, South Korea, and Japan, the market studied is likley to...
When Belgian recycler Umicore recognized that there were likely to be scarcities in key metals (including lithium and cobalt) as the global energy transition progressed, it created a closed-looped business model that aims to turn waste into feedstock for its customers and its own clean mobility pr...