Strategic financial management is when a company uses all of its financial resources intentionally, in ways that will achieve its goals and create profit.
因为抛开具体的行业背景,financial management的职业定位就有好几个,而比如说,以财务经理financial manager为例子:这个职位是不是单纯的做账,做表,不止于这么简单,而是做金融分析和建议的,是给自己所在的公司给出数据和金融报告分析,帮助决策层来做商务决定的,要帮助决策层合理规避金融风险,同时考虑适当控制成本,要有大...
Master Management Definition and its role in guiding business strategy and operations with The Strategic CFO®.
In his 1987 paper, "The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps for Strategy," he argued "the field of strategic management cannot afford to rely on a single definition of strategy." Instead, he outlined five definitions of strategy and their interrelationships: Plan. Strategy as a consciously intended ...
Home›Business Management›What is Strategic Planning? Definition:Strategic planning is the process of defining the key directional elements of an organization. It is the general map given by the executives that allows the entire organization to maintain the right path in their daily decisions. ...
In simple terms, strategic management is theimplementation of the strategy. As such, strategic management is sometimes referred to as strategy execution. Strategy execution involves identifying benchmarks, allocating financial and human resources and providing leadership to realize established goals. ...
Strategic Alliance What is Strategic Alliance (Definition) Strategic Alliance (SA) is a corporate restructuring strategy. It is an agreement between two entities to pool their resources for achieving a common business goal. They are generally entered when each entity in the agreement possesses some ...
Definition: Strategic Cost Management or otherwise called as SCM is the cost management technique that aims at reducing costs while strengthening the position of the business. It is a process of combining the decision-making structure with the cost information, in order to reinforce the business str...
The author's vision on the definition of financial and economic security system is proposed. The main shortcomings of existing approaches to the process of formation of financial and economic security system as an object of management are revealed and systematized. The main defects and mis...
This unit addresses the traditional conflict between corporate strategy and financial management. Business strategy deals with "creating the future". The future is by definition uncertain. Corporate strategy is forward looking and focuses on choices between options and deals in mainly, but not exclusivel...