1【题文】 材料 战略防御计划(Strategic Defense Initiative, 亦称 Star Wars Program), 简称SDI(台湾简称“星球大战”)。该计划源自美国总统罗纳德·里根在1983年3月23日一个著名演说。“星球大战”发表后,1985年1月4日由美国政府立项开发,正式名称是:反弹道导弹防御系统的战略防御计划,计划于1994年开始部署。按照...
战略防御计划局(Strategic Defense Initiative Organization)提出了这个富有活力的系统概念,这个系统计划在10年内完成部 …www.china.com.cn|基于4个网页 2. 战略防御倡仪组织 4月,美国成立战略防御倡仪组织(Strategic Defense Initiative Organization),集中管理反弹道导弹的研究工作。同年6月, …ias.cass.cn|基于1 ...
星球大战方案 (Strategic Defense Initiative,also known as Star Wars Program),简称SDI(台湾简称“星战...
strategic defense initiative (SDI)— 戰略防御倡議 也可见: defense美— 防卫 defense美动— 辩护动 defense美名— 防守名 initiative名— 举措名 · 措施名 · 主动权名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 ...
Strategic Defense Initiative 释义 战略防御计划 大小写变形:strategic defense initiative
York A Shield in Space; Technology Politics and the Strategic Defense Initiative 战略防御反击列车 战略防御阶段 THE OSTEOARTHRITIS INITIATIVE Initiative and Referendum 2014 National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan - Nano:2014国家纳米技术倡议的战略计划,纳米 OPTIONS SYMBOLOGY INITIATIVE AMERICAN COMPETITIVE...
strategic defense initiative 美 英 网络主动战略防御;星球大战计划 英英 网络释义 n. 1. a planned U.S. system of defense against nuclear attack in which incoming missiles would be destroyed by laser weapons mounted in satellites or by antimissile missiles ...
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), former U.S. government program responsible for research and development of a space-based system to defend the nation from attack by strategic ballistic missiles (see guided missile). The program is now administered by
investigation will seek to answer the question: To what extent did the Strategic Defense Initiative contribute to the formal declaration of independence of the republics in the Soviet Union? The Report to Congress on the Strategic Defense Initiative is relevant and significant to the investigation beca...
Strategic Defense Initiative是将“戰略防禦計劃"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:兑换实得数额与按照业务汇率折算所得数额之间的差额,应计作外汇亏损或收益。 ↔ Any difference between the actual amount received on exchange and the amount that would have been obtained at the operational rate of exchange shall ...