in Washington's China policy. Nonetheless, the balance of engagement and competition shifted toward competition after the Global Financial Crisis, and that trend has accelerated since 2015. As China's economic, military, and political power have grown, its relationship with the US has deteriorated....
Managing China–U.S. “strategic competition”: potential risks and possible approaches Fan Jishe Abstract The relationship between China and the United States has entered a new phase in which the original framework of the bilateral relationshi...
Lewis A. Dunn Abstract China and the US are entering a period of adversarial strategic competition. That competition will have significant risks for both countries, ranging from competitive strategic armament through crisis and conflict...
August 30, 2024 The Aug. 26, 2024 Congressional Research Service report discusses "whether and how the Biden administration's strategy for competing strategically with China in the [South China Sea] and [East China Sea] will differ from the Trump administration's strategy." 210528 ...
China-US Strategic Competition and the Descent of a Porous CurtainJue Zhang ¹, 徐进 Jin Xu ² ¹ 北京大学 国际关系学院 School of International Relations, Peking University ² 中国社会科学院 世界经…
Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday that the United States defining its relations with China as "strategic competition" is "a reckless gamble with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity", and the "competition" will get the two countr...
A cooperative US–China process is urgently needed to mitigate these risks of adversarial strategic competition. Multi-tiered strategic dialogue—official, semi-official, and military-to-military—should form the foundation of such a process. That dialogue should be followed by exploration of more ...
With the trade conflict between the United States and China bringing China-US strategic competition into the open, the European Union faces an urgent questionSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday that the United States defining its relations with China as "strategic competition" is "a reckless gamble with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity", and the "competition" will get the two countr...
"Our interactions in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa and other regions will not be dominated by competition," he said. "China's Belt and Road Initiative will not be described as a 'debt trap' or a 'geopolitical scheme' as some people did and are still doing. Rather, it is...