The resulting strategic plan provided an organized, uniform format for the documentation of strategic thinking through the identification of objectives and strategies that matched community opportunities and capabilities, like standard strategic plans.11 A multidisciplinary group of strategic planners assisted ...
OSD: office of the secretary of defense"While defending our homeland and defeating adversaries in war remain the indisputable ends of seapower, it must be applied more broadly if it is to serve the national interest." This concept from A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower (Conway ...
If the user system 102 has the capabilities (e.g., a personal computer), the processing described herein may be shared by a user system 102 and the host system 104 (e.g., by providing an applet to the user system 102). [0035] The network 106 may be any type of known network ...
MissionCapabilities TimWebb,ChristopherGuo,JenniferLampingLewis,DanielEgel PreparedfortheOfficeoftheSecretaryofDefense Approvedforpublicrelease;distributionunlimited TheRANDCorporationisanonprofitinstitutionthathelpsimprovepolicy anddecisionmakingthroughresearchandanalysis.RAND’spublicationsdo ...