A strategic form game is an ordered triplet:(1.4)G=(K,{Si}i∈K,≽i)where K={1,…,K} is the set of players, Si is the set of strategies of player i, and ≽i is a preference order over the set of action profiles for player i. From: Game Theory and Learning for Wireless ...
Pham, L.A.T. Nguyen, S. Narayanamoorthy, T.H.T. Nguyen, T.G. Vu Analysis of Quantum Computing's Applicability in Data Analysis: Utilizing a Hybrid MCDM Approach with Quantum Spherical Fuzzy Sets IEEE Access (2024), 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3439629 Google Scholar [40] J.-F. Tsai, D.-H. ...
The inclusion of the environment as a stakeholder has been advocated in some strategic CSR literature (e.g., Werther Jr. & Chandler, 2011). This result is congruent with the stakeholder approach to social responsibility, i.e., the majority of managers viewed and defined CSR with respect to ...
Sierra de San Marcos mountain range in Mexico. In contrast, the reservoir with the highest land occupation value of 9.5 m2*y/kWh, is located between the Munga-Thirri-Simpson and the Tirari Desert in Australia, a flat area with no standing water area prior to inundation. The PDF per m2l...
Marketing Journal of Marketing Management Journal of Services Marketing Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Journal of Vacation marketing Human resource books Beardwell, I., Holden, L. & Claydon, T. (2004) Human Resource Management, a contemporary approach. (4th ed) Harlow. Prentice Hall. ...
Moreover some schools are better as compared to others as they relied on performance accountability, higher clarity of purpose, delegations of decisions, and a common culture of values for collectivism. The above findings are suggestive of strategic human resource management approach, however there ...
Contrary to traditional approaches, which often culminate in static strategy documents with limited lifespans (e.g., a ‘3-year’ plan), viewing strategy through a business model lens treats it as a continuous, iterative process [42]. Such an approach is more agile, responsive, and adaptive ...
Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models (ARDL) with a bounds testing approach are used to assess both the overall relationship between these two phenomena and their temporal ordering. This article finds that antiquities looting and armed conflict are, indeed, statistically related; and that antiquities ...
While this first approach had some limitations in terms of product and impact coverage, it raised brand manager interest and acted as a kickstarter for future SPOT development. 2.3. Goals of SPOT SPOT has been developed to assess cosmetic products. The main objectives of SPOT are the following...
iMAGINE is designed to overcome this separation through a breakthrough development applying an optimized, integrative approach from cradle to grave of nuclear energy production as a first step to come as close as possible to the vision of zero waste nuclear power. It is described here for the ...