Stratasys F123 系列3D打印机易于操作和维护,对操作人员的经验不限,使整个办公室都能访问专业的 3D 打印功能。 F170、F270™和F370™ 可以满足客户在原型制作的每一个阶段对于功能和预算的不同需求。
Stratasys F170 3D Printer Stratasys F370 3D Printer F123 Composite-Ready Stratasys 3D Printers Fortus 450mc Stratasys 3D Printer F770 Stratasys 3D Printer F3300 Stratasys 3D Printer F900 Stratasys 3D Printer PolyJet J35 Pro Stratasys 3D Printer J55 Prime Stratasys 3D Printer J5 MediJet Stratasys ...
The 3D printing company Stratasys has launched a new series of printers that enables high-quality, rapid prototyping from any office or lab setting. The new FDM-based F123 machines (which include the F170, F270 and F370) sit in a workspace like any other printer or copier. They should b...
施耐德电气是一家提供效率性和可持续性能源和数字自动化解 […] Read more
Stratasys F123系列是一款非常适合初学者的3D打印机,它可以打印出高精度的原型,还具有很强的稳定性和可靠性。该系列包括F120、F170、F270和F370四个型号,。这些打印机适用于不同大小的团队和不同类型的项目,用户可以根据自己的需求选择适合自己的型号。
Balea ultimately selected Stratasys as its technology partner after coming away impressed by the easy-to-use interface and quick turnaround of the F170 3D printer and its GrabCAD Print software. “Having seen demonstrations with the GrabCAD Print software and the production of 3D printed parts,...
3D PRINTERS FIND MY PRINTER Select a 3D Printer FDM POLYJET P3 SAF SL What is FDM 3D Printing? FDM or "Fused Deposition Modeling" is a 3D printing technology that is designed for specialized production-grade thermoplastics and 3D printers. FDM 3D printers can produce dimensionally stable and ...
Frequently Asked Questions Find the answer to all the frequently asked questions on 3D printing Learn More Stratasys Academy Start or deepen your learning about your Stratasys printer in Stratasys Academy online. See morePolyJet Part Quality Troubleshooting Guide Matte Finish Around Holes Models ...
The Stratasys F123 Series features the F170, F370, F190CR and F370CR 3D Printers that produce fast, effective prototypes for concept development, as well as highly accurate and robust parts for design validation and functional performance.