Stranger Things is an American sci-fi television series created by the Duffer Brothers. It was first released as a Netflix original series on July 15, 2016. The show takes place in the 1980s, with the central focus being the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The first season, set in...
647"Krusty the Clown"One of the shows that Homer recapped wasStranger Things. 652"I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can"MargeandHomerwatched a parody of the show,Odder Stuff. 31666"Treehouse of Horror XXX"The segment "Danger Things" is a parody of the show. ...
Stranger Things Wiki 912 pages Explore Stranger Things Seasons Media Community in: Locations, Locations/Season 1, Upside Down, and 4 more English The Upside Down View source This article is about the dimension. For the episode, see The Upside Down (episode).For other uses, see The ...
James Hopper Jr,[2] also known as Jim Hopper, is a main character in Stranger Things. He is portrayed by David Harbour. Hopper was Chief of Police in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, where he used to live out a carefree existence, though forev
TheStranger Thingsprequel stage play,The First Shadow, has left quite an impressionwith its West End premiere, and one can’t help but wonder how it would look as a limited TV series. This story features an alternate but more detailed account of Henry Creel’s origins as he goes from...
Photo: Stranger Things Netflix 17 3 votes Stranger Things Mysteries unravel in a small Midwestern town involving supernatural forces. Category: TV Program Dig Deeper Behind The Scenes Secrets From The Set Of 'Stranger Things' Also ranks #1 on The 55+ Best Teen Sci-Fi And Fantasy TV Series ...
Did you eyeball-gobble Stranger Things? If not, you need to get on that, because your friends are going to drive you crazy with SPOILERS. The Netflix ...
However, he notices some strange things along the way. For example, buildings he had never seen before, trees he never knew had grown so tall. And when he goes to Teitan High School, everything looks different. He wanders the hallways, to find a sign that says "The Detective Club". ...
Depp also explained Cook was one of the few that accepted his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow, claiming that "When things went a little sideways on the first Pirates movie and others at the studio were less than enthusiastic about my interpretation of the character, Dick was there from the...
Michael "Mike" Wheeler, portrayed by Finn Wolfhard, is a main character in Stranger Things. The leader of the Party, he is the boyfriend of Eleven, the best friend of Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, and Max Mayfield, and the younger brother