After briefly experimenting with a Halloween-themed release schedule in the show’s second season, Stranger Things 3 and Stranger Things 4 both came out in early summer, with season 4 being aired in two chunks released six weeks apart. This strategy has helped Netflix create summer blockbuster-...
Stranger Things is an American sci-fi television series created by the Duffer Brothers. It was first released as a Netflix original series on July 15, 2016. The show takes place in the 1980s, with the central focus being the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The first season, set in ...
What year will Stranger Things 5 be set in? Each season of Stranger Things takes place one year later, and it's now been confirmed that season 5 will be set towards the end of 1987. Season 4 took place in March 1986 with the Upside Down spreading fast in Hawkins, and the threat ...