Stranger Things is an American sci-fi television series created by the Duffer Brothers. It was first released as a Netflix original series on July 15, 2016. The show takes place in the 1980s, with the central focus being the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The first season, set in ...
Stranger Things Live-action spinoff Animated spinoff Beyond Stranger Things Games Stranger Things: The Game Stranger Things 3: The Game Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales Stranger Things: The VR Experience Books and Novels Worlds Turned Upside Down Suspicious Minds Darkness on the Edge...
Stranger Things Wiki 912 pages Explore Stranger Things Seasons Media Community in: Locations, Locations/Season 1, Upside Down, and 4 more English The Upside Down View source This article is about the dimension. For the episode, see The Upside Down (episode).For other uses, see The ...
"Chapter One: The Hellfire Club" is the premiere episode of the fourth season of Stranger Things and the twenty-sixth episode overall. It premiered on May 27, 2022, being the first episode of the first volume, and was directed by the Duffer Brothers. El
James Hopper Jr,[2] also known as Jim Hopper, is a main character in Stranger Things. He is portrayed by David Harbour. Hopper was Chief of Police in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana, where he used to live out a carefree existence, though forev
"Estranger Things" Episode Information Season number: S36 E Production code: 36ABF11[1] Original airdate: 2024/2025 Written by: TBA Directed by: TBA "Estranger Things" is an upcoming season 36 episode of The Simpsons. It will air sometime in 2024 or 2025.[1] Production Refe...
Stranger Thingsfue filmada en Atlanta, Georgia y sus alrededores. La zona de la ciudad de Jackson en el Condado Butts se utilizó como la localización para elcentro del pueblo, y muchas de las tiendas fueron repintadas y ataviadas con mercancíasvintagede la década 1980 para las filmaciones...
Joyce Byers (née Maldonado),[1] portrayed by Winona Ryder, is a main character in Stranger Things. She is the financially struggling single mother of Jonathan and Will Byers, the foster mother of Eleven, and the best friend/eventual girlfriend of Jim Ho
An unnamed woman, portrayed by Beth Riesgraf, is a minor character in the third season of Stranger Things and was the mother of Billy Hargrove. Billy's mother lived in California with her son Billy and her husband Neil Hargrove. She had a friend named We
In the original pitch forStranger Things, the story was supposed to depict the kids reuniting years after Eleven defeats the Demogorgon in season 1. Despite the course the story has taken, the series could still take this route by having the heroes return to Hawkins as adults in the 21s...