I would say the first episode left an impact. It was really packed and things just happened one after another. I'm loving the pacing of it, and the one hour passed too quickly. But I felt that they were probably slightly too ambitious, and were trying to set up too many things in ...
Beyond Stranger Things《怪奇背后(2017)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,这个加州女孩麦克丝搬到霍金斯 So this California girl, Max, moves into Hawkins, 不只变成三角恋的女主角 and not only becomes the center of a love triangle 介于路卡斯和达斯汀 betw
Beyond Stranger Things《怪奇背后(2017)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,如果你像我刚看完 九小时的《怪奇物语》 All right, if youre like me,you just watched nine hours of Stranger Things. 我觉得很爽 大开眼界 And I am feeling exhilarated, I am blown a
(1) New Voicemail for: Doctor Stranger Doctor Stranger, these past two months with you have been unforgettable—I don’t think there are enough words to describe all the things you’ve taught me, but here goes: Know that I’m doing this for myself and everyone else who made it to the...
警告 我即将要大爆雷剧情 All right, warning: Im about to get into some major spoilers, 还没看过《怪奇物语2》的人请别看 so turn away if you have not watched Stranger Things 2... 好 now. 我要说了 巴布纽比突然死亡令人震惊 Out of my mouth: between the death of Bob Newby; 夺心魔统治...
Beyond Stranger Things《怪奇背后(2017)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,伊莱雯和小组看似关上颠倒世界的门 Eleven and the gang seemingly close the gate to the Upside Down, 但夺心魔仍存在 在雪舞会上空盘旋虎视眈眈 but the Mind Flayer remains, ominously