Eleven begins doing a little digging of her own. While cleaning up after her fight with Hopper, she notices some storage underneath the floorboards, and one box is labeled "Hawkins Lab." Eleven opens the box and finds files related to her mother, Terry Ives, the woman who claimed the gov...
The second season of Stranger Things looks set to be bigger and better (if that’s at all possible) than the first judging from the ‘Thriller’ trailer released this past weekend at San Diego Comic Con.Related: Stranger Things Season 2 NewsSet to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and ...
然后一点脾气也没有就跟着 Dustin 走的暖男。这些片段都让我毫不犹豫地站在 Steve 一边。人们喜欢浪子...
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难以言明的情感,人类的一切。 别的独生朋友在家翻箱倒柜,或者打工赚钱,麦克直接去姐姐...
how‘s the pullout 那里笑死我了,乔纳森晚上明显是少儿不宜了,人大叔问折叠沙发睡得舒服不,他以为...
Billy the Bully,Max 的继兄,每季里边都要有的Bully角色,全程大了鸡血一样的轰油门,大喊大叫,到处...