片名Stranger Things Season 1 / Montauk (2016)。 《怪奇物语》是一部大量致敬80年代作品的奇幻剧,故事发生在1983年的印第安纳州,从一个小男孩失踪讲起,引出一个有关超能力研究的神秘计划,以及随之而来的怪物。 该剧被《卫报》(The Guardian)和《帝国》(Empire)评为2016年年度最佳电视节目第三名。 《怪奇物语...
Still with “Stranger Things,” Netflix‘s science fiction, supernatural coming of age series that’s part “Goonies,” part “Ghostbusters” and seemingly a nostalgic mishmash of all of these kinds of pop culture classics from the 1980s? Some of us have tired of its incessant ’80s homage...
Netflix超人气奇幻剧集《Stranger Things》暌违将近3年后,第四季Part 1已在5月27日上线!为了庆祝这个时刻,全球14个著名地标同步出现“裂缝”,提醒全世界“即将发生天翻地覆的变化&rd
第1 张光盘 歌曲 时长 1 What's the Internet? 2:47 2 I wouldn’t remember me either. 1:49 3 Teens 2:06 4 Journalistic Instinct 2:37 5 100% Convinced 1:05 6 In the closet (at Rink O Mania) 1:32 7 Does that make us friends?
第1 张光盘 歌曲 时长 1 What's the Internet? 2:47 2 I wouldn’t remember me either. 1:49 3 Teens 2:06 4 Journalistic Instinct 2:37 5 100% Convinced 1:05 6 In the closet (at Rink O Mania) 1:32 7 Does that make us friends?
抱歉我一个字都无法理解 I'msorry.I'mhavingtroubleunderstandinganyofthis. 霍金斯到底是怎么回事? Imean,whatexactlyisgoingoninHawkins? 杀人凶手是谁? What'sdoingthesekillings? 那正是我们要查明的-小伊现在在什么地方? That'swhatwe'retryingtoascertain.-WhereisEl,like,rightnow? 为了她的安全你还是不知...
Stranger Things 4 release date: When will Stranger Things season 4 be released? Stranger Things 4 will be released in two different parts. Part 1 will arrive in May 27th and Part 2 will drop on July 1st. The new season will consist of 9 episodes, and according to a new statement, it...
警告 我即将要大爆雷剧情 All right, warning: Im about to get into some major spoilers, 还没看过《怪奇物语2》的人请别看 so turn away if you have not watched Stranger Things 2... 好 now. 我要说了 巴布纽比突然死亡令人震惊 Out of my mouth: between the death of Bob Newby; 夺心魔统治...
Wes:And I guess spoilers, because if you thought Stranger Things would get even stranger and more mysterious, you’re dead wrong because everything is now all the whims of just some guy! Oren:Way Less Strange Things. Wes:Less Stranger Things Five. Coming next year, maybe. ...
And in Australia today Kate returned to No.1 after slipping to No.2 last week. So that’s three non-consecutive weeks at No.1 for her in Australia. Wow. Right, time to find some time to watch Part Two of Stranger Things season 4. What a summer!