27. p6,16:05,给Bradley大卖场店员游戏带(垃圾场东北角的坑里) 28. p6,17:35,给住宅区的Mrs.Wheeler牛奶(Bradley大卖场,100硬币) 29. p8,14:45,给西南部住宅区的Mrs.Wheeler南瓜(西部花田北边的南瓜地) 30. p2,11:50,给警察局里的Flo爱情小说(Byers家) 31. p8,16:10,给警察局的Flo橡胶骨架(西部...
没牙怪真的哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Mrs Wheeler形象真的令人印象深刻hhh ???为什么Jonathan画这样 El我们的女主角(^з^)集齐八个Eggo解锁! 【一些场景】 游戏里超重要的钥匙! Will的小城堡超还原! 异世界的gate,第一眼心动(bushi) El最爱的Eggo获得中… D&D兄弟团 看看这是哪对小情侣(bu Mike见证El的诞生~ 【游...
Mrs. Wheeler 看的言情小说的封面男主长得很像是 Billy 伴我同行 虽然没有真的经历过突然发现全校只有...
学会了个词儿,breaststroke,蛙泳;中年浓妆汹涌的Mrs Wheeler竟然欲拒还迎;Chapter Two: The Mall Rat...
Lucas and Dustin don't seem too keen on eating the meatloaf, though, and when Mrs. Wheeler asks if there's something wrong with it, Dustin says, "I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch… I don't know why." "Me too," Lucas says with a grin. ...
At the Wheeler basement, Will posited the part of the Mind Flayer that had possessed him the year prior "never left" and was still in Hawkins. When El relayed all that she had seen, they began to suspect Billy could be the Mind Flayer's new host. The group travelled to Hawkins ...
Stranger Things 4 03:15 乔希(Joyce Byers)饰演者Winona Ryder薇诺拉瑞德采访 05:31 Mrs. Wheeler饰演者Cara Buono采访 ! Stranger Things 4 ! 03:30 Dustin饰演者Gaten Matarazzo采访 03:58 吉姆哈普警长(JimHopper)饰演者David Harbour 采访 06:17 阿盖尔(Argyle)饰演者Eduardo Franco采访 05:26 Mike饰演者...
5、有人和我一样想看billy和mrs. wheelers的船戏嘛?太可惜了。6、警长和俄罗斯猛男打了那么多次,很多时间双方都有机会直接杀了对方单都没这么做。比如第一次警长在废弃的lab被袭击的时间,对方完全可以杀了他;或者后来在小房间里两个人面对面枪战的时候,明明可以打脸一定要贴身往对方防弹衣上开枪。。 送TA礼物...
Will Byers, a character from the popular series Stranger Things, has a close-knit group of best friends. These include Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Max Mayfield. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures in the town of Hawkins, Indiana. Provided by: Fandom REPORT...
Heart #28 Return Milk to Mrs. Wheeler Heart #29 Return Pumpkin to Mrs. Wheeler Heart #30 Return Novel to Flo Heart #31 Return Rubber Skeleton to Flo Heart #32 Return Police Badge to Callahan Heart #33 Return Ledger to Melvald Heart #34 Talk to Jennifer as Will (Southeast of Graveyard...