Lucas Charles Sinclair,[1] portrayed by Caleb McLaughlin, is a main character in Stranger Things. He is the best friend of Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, and Eleven. He is also the older brother of Erica Sinclair as well as the on-and-off boyfriend of Max Mayfield. He is...
Dr. Martin Brenner, portrayed by Matthew Modine, was a main character in Stranger Things, appearing in the first and fourth seasons. Brenner starts out as one of the show's main antagonists, but returns in a more morally ambiguous role in the fourth season. Brenner also makes a guest appea...
Of course it does: because 'Stranger Things' deliberately pays homage to all those stories - and it does it very, very well. And it's not a rip-off, it's a love letter. The show emulates the themes and a certain style from those eighties treasures, and while it is a (for me) ...
As one of the main characters of Netflix's hit show,Stranger Things,Nancy Wheeler goes through a lot. Take away the supernatural element of the series, and she's still dealing with a lot of the tumultuousness surrounding adolescence. In season 1, not only is she worried about her best f...
Harbour’s Hopper has been one of the main characters of Stranger Things since the show’s pilot. In Stranger Things season 1, he was the taciturn cop helping Joyce Byers to find her missing son and uncover a conspiracy in the process while, in season 2, he played a gruff but gradually...
With her discrete, but headstrong personality; badass powers, kind heart, and amazing style (especially her punk makeover in Season 2), Eleven is by far one of our favoriteStranger Thingscharacters here at Tell Tales. One of the most unique protagonists on television, we couldn’t be more ...
Yeah, and I just love being able to get more context to those relationships later on. We see Bob in season 2 ofStranger Thingsand we don’t really know the full extent of his crush on Joyce until this play. I do love the different context we get with Hopper’s story, so I want ...
Hawke explained she's never been too invested in the romantic relationships of the characters onStranger Thingsbecause the series' focus is all about the power of friendship. "There's such an over-emphasis in media that we consume about romantic love, and it being the ultimate destination that...
Hawke explained she's never been too invested in the romantic relationships of the characters onStranger Thingsbecause the series' focus is all about the power of friendship. "There's such an over-emphasis in media that we consume about romantic love, and it being the ultimate destination that...
1 Cast and Characters 1.1 Main Cast 1.2 Recurring Cast 2 Seasons 2.1 Stranger Things 2.1.1 Synopsis 2.1.2 Plot Summary 2.2 Stranger Things 2 2.2.1 Synopsis 2.2.2 Plot summary 2.3 Stranger Things 3 2.3.1 Synopsis 2.3.2 Plot summary 2.4 Stranger Things 4 2.4.1 Synopsis 2.4.2 Plo...