从粒子光效到胶片噪点全程手Key帧,动态追踪直接锁死Demogorgon的压迫感镜头。特意扒了Netflix原盘做色彩分级,Luminous的MP4预设果然和Stranger Things的80年代滤镜绝配!姐妹们快进来膜拜下逐帧卡点的怪物嘶吼声效,顺便手把手教你们用AE表达式做片头倒计时特效!#技术流女生暴打贴吧老哥...
和外国人一起看《怪奇物语Stranger things》第一季S1E2【老外反应reaction】 快来一起看电影 1454 0 大型灾难片《开学》系列电影将上映 点击查看>> 和外国人一起看《怪奇物语Stranger things》第一季S1E4【老外反应reaction】 快来一起看电影 755 1 和外国人一起看《怪奇物语Stranger things》第一季S1E3【...
Stranger Things: Créé par Edward Earl Newton. Avec Adam Duckworth, Daniel Waller, Toby Turner, Elliott Stegall. An all original Sci Fi/Horror anthology series.
S1E10: Strangerer Things时间: 2020年4月22日 星期三 15:00 评分: 0 还没有评分Netflix 怪诞星球 3.4 8.4 简介: 【美国】【2020】《怪诞星球》 "Absurd Planet"。【第10集】好奇的游行以一只小蜥蜴(适合指尖)和有巨大鼻子的猴子开始。一些夏威夷沙是鱼粪 - 事实。
And when we discovered the Duffers’ types, we had to smile because it just explains everything about the IJ/EP balance of Stranger Things. It is such an INTJ show, with the joy it takes at swimming around in the zoomed-out scale of the numinous and keeps coming back to its themes ...
“S1的四小只”#strangerthings #怪奇物语 - 桃崽CUT于20241219发布在抖音,已经收获了607.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
(Elle), as two storylines head off in different directions until a sense of friendship brings them and everyone else together for a resolution that’s both satisfying for the charactersandthe series; shouldStranger Thingsnot be renewed for further seasons –highly unlikely, given its popularity –...
or electric stuff—it's percussion or people clapping—that's what makes the spiritual touch. Once you just sing and you understand the harmony or whatever is going on in there, the connection just makes itself. I can't really pinpoint or explain it but it is in those kinds of things....