We’ve been waiting for the fourth season of Stranger Things for quite a long time now, so the announcement of its arrival on Netflix is really huge news for everyone. Reddit decides to join the craze through its first partnership with Netflix to give Redditors one-of-a-kind custom avat...
On this episode of "Actually Me," 'Stranger Things' star Gaten Matarazzo goes undercover on the Internet and responds to real comments from Twitter, Reddit, Quora, YouTube and more. What happened to Barbara in Stranger Things? Does Gaten play an instrume
RELATED: Age, Height, & Zodiac Signs Of The Main Cast Of Stranger Things There are a few things about Stranger Things that could be considered universally beloved, but most things are up to interpretation and personal opinion. Luckily, Reddit is a great source for finding some opinions that a...
The latest season ofStranger Thingshas revealed a lot of information about both Eleven and One. The Duffer brothers explained thatVecna was planned from the beginning, however, some Redditors disagree.BigBashMansaid, “I'm stunned people think Vecna was planned. They probably had a vague idea ...
怪奇物语联名reddit奈飞头像‼️ netflix合作创建了另外四个自定义#StrangerThings头像。现在您可以制作自己的头像StrangerThings 角色包括Vecna、Lucas、Eddie和 Max! #怪奇物语 # - 霍金斯1980于20241025发布在抖音,已经收获了95.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活
One alternative reality fans have been talking about on sites like Reddit is whatStranger Thingswould be like if it were British. Indeed, many of the actors on the show are actually British, which doesn’t make the idea far-fetched. But the way the show played out, things likely would ha...
While Dustin is a popular part of The Party, someStranger Thingsfans have some hot takes on his character, from his relationship with Steve Harrington to some of his behavior. Redditors are being honest about their thoughts about Dustin. ...
Nancy's smartStranger Thingsquotesshow that she thinks carefully about the world around her. Those who view Nancy's character as lacking don't appreciate her personality, but forRedditor CMelody, Nancy has positive qualities and a lot of strength. The fan wrote, "She is fearless, and she ...