FULL REVIEW 80 Vox.com Oct 27, 2017 Stranger Things hasn’t yet fallen into the Home Alone 2 trap. But it’s telling that the most exciting moments of season two are the ones when the characters evolve and change, and when the world around them does too. ...
skip to main content review stranger things is a scary, poignant piece of 1980s nostalgia if you grew up in—or at least have seen movies from—the reagan era, netflix’s new horror series is a must-watch. by richard lawson july 13, 2016 courtesy of netflix save save it took me ...
murders, and even a secret Soviet invasion — all while battling supernatural threats from a terrifying alternate dimension known as the Upside Down. At this point, it feels like a relief thatStranger Things 4— as the fourth season of the Netflix...
It takes a couple of episodes to really get going, but ultimately, Season 3 of the Duffer Brothers’ Stranger Things is so awesome that it would’ve been worth the wait even if that wait had begun all the way back in 1985, the year in which it’s set. Heck, the premiere alone deli...
Stranger Things follows a group of kids in Hawkins, Indiana, who must fend off terrifying creatures from a dark dimension that have invaded their small town. 2
Friends may not lie, but they do grow up — and grow apart. This is the challenge facing theStranger Thingskids as we meet them in the fourth season, long before any kind of dimension-hopping demon rears its inevitably ugly head. After the events of the Season 3 finale, they’re more...
"Stranger Things 3" pays homage to "The Thing," imperfectly, but Season 3 is also far better than Season 2, so... good? [Review]
"It Crept from the 80's" Stranger Things 3 Review (TV Episode 2019) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
2. Hopper死没死,片尾有这个,我认为是没死。所以我bing了一下stranger things hopper dead or not ...
FandomWire Review: Goosebumps: The Vanishing’s First Episodes Plant the Seeds for an Interesting Season 1/10/2025 by Ben F. Silverio DailyDead Sherri “Ana Ortiz” S3E68 January 10 2025 on Fox 1/10/2025 by US Posts TV Regular Stranger Things ...