Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio的创作者· ··· 蒲松龄作者 作者简介· ··· 蒲松龄(1640年06月05日-1715年02月25日),字留仙,又字剑臣,别号柳泉居士,清代著名的小说家,著有文言文短篇小说集《聊斋志异》。现山东省淄博市淄川区洪山镇蒲家庄人。世称聊斋先生,自称异史氏,他出身没落地主家庭,连续...
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studiotitle of a collection of bizarre stories by Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty 聊斋志异汉英翻译 title of a collection of bizarre stories by Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty 词组短语 聊斋志异之阴阳判官Hell-World Judge ...
Passage10短文填空The Liaozhai zhiyi (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio) is a collection of short stories. It was written during the Qing Dynasty. There 1. a nearly 500 stories in the book. Most stories are supernatural stories.Pu Songling was the writer of the book. He came 2. f n...
of his era and the Chair of Chinese at Cambridge. He is one of the creators of the "Wade-Giles" system of romanization, the author of several Chinese-English dictionaries, and translator of numerous classics, such as Gems of Chinese Literature and Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. ...
1考The Laozha zhiyi (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio) is a collection of short stories. It was written during the Qing Dynasty. There a___nearly 500 stories in the book. Most stories are supernatural stories.Pu Songling was the writer of the book. He came t___Zichuan (now Zibo)...
聊斋志异(英文版)Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio蒲松龄 Herbert A. Giles 微信读书推荐值 评分不足 2人点评 推荐 一般 不行 推荐(1) 一般(1) 不行(0) 阅读 189人 电子书 体验卡可读 字数 36.7万字 简介 蒲松龄出生于书香世家,他早年也曾想借助科举入仕,可惜屡试不第,只能以教书为生。他自幼...
解析 A. scares 该题考查主谓一致。主语“Pu Songling's Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio”指代一部作品,视为单数名词,因此谓语动词应使用单数形式。选项中只有“scares”是单数形式的动词,符合主谓一致的语法规则。因此,正确答案为A。反馈 收藏
Strange Stories From a Chinese Studio 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 蒲松龄(1640年06月05日-1715年02月25日),字留仙,又字剑臣,别号柳泉居士,清代著名的小说家,著有文言文短篇小说集《聊斋志异》。现山东省淄博市淄川区洪山镇蒲家庄人。世称聊斋先生,自称异史氏,他出身没落地主家庭,连续四次参加...
必应词典为您提供Strange-Stories-from-a-Chinese-Studio的释义,网络释义: 聊斋志异;聊斋志异英译选集;聊斋志异选;
(22·24南道市期中真题)The Laozai zhiyi (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio) is a collection of short stories. It was written during the Qing Dynasty. There a pnearly 500 stories in the book Most stories are supernatural stories.Pu Songling was the writer of the book. He came f t ...