remember that it is only your judgmentof the incident that provokes you. -- Epictetus Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.- Carl Bard Anyone can be passionate, butit takes real lovers to be silly.- Rose Franken...
It's a strange lesson to learn in life that your differences, the things that make you feel uncomfortable about yourself are what will help you to grow into who you are. Those are your gifts. —Cyndi Lauper 43 I have a sense of melancholy isolation, life rapidly vanishing, all the usual...
Dr. Stephen Strange: This doesn't make any sense. The Ancient One: Not everything does. Not everything has to. 1 The Ancient One: We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them. 1 More for Doctor Strange Mistakes
Strange attempted to heal O'Bengh and make him live forever with the Eye of Agamotto, though he was stopped by O'Bengh, who told Strange that death was part of life, which Strange admitted he cannot accept. O'Bengh revealed that while he couldn't accept, the other Doctor Strange could...
What A Bad Day Quotes Go to table of contents You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment! — Aly Raisman 77 When you come...
In the MCU, Doctor Strange has uttered some truly wise words, pithy one-liners, and some quotes that just stick with the audience.Warning: The following contains spoilers for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness. Once the words, "Dormammu, I've come to bargain," were said by ...
Insurance companies need to make money One part of the health care debate that really gets to me is the relentless vilification of the health insurance companies. People routinely complain that health insurance companies deny coverage to people who are sick and really need the coverage or that the...
No. Wait. That’s how you do advertising deals. Never mind. (But Idostill need quotes.) Please note that the cover shown here is not the print cover; it’s simply something I whipped up a while back for the Creative Commons version. ...
Generally speaking, the blockbusters that are being mockbusted makesense.It’s not particularly surprising that the filming ofThorled to the creation ofAlmighty Thor.AndJurassic Worldwas a massive hit, so obviously you’re gonna getJurassic City. ...
Whether cocky or hilarious, Doctor Strange has had some iconic quotes in the MCU so far, and some of his best lines appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home.