In the Season 2 premiere of "Strange New Worlds," we glimpse a new starship portrait in the captain's ready room of the NX-01 Enterprise, replacing an etching of the USS Essex seen in Season 1. Now, in "Ad Astra Per Aspera," we get another new starship portrait that wasn't seen i...
LastseasononStarTrek:StrangeNewWorlds... 在企业号♥进行五年任务时 TheKlingonWarisover.TheEnterprisewason 星联-克林贡战争结束了 itsfive-yearmission. 错过战争 Missingthewar 也对我的船员们造成了影响 tookatollonmycrew. 我释放了很多 I'veletsomethingout. ...
the future of the franchise now rests in the hands of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. This series is a spinoff of Discovery and takes place a decade before the original series, with Anson Mount's Christopher Pike as the captain of the Enterprise. But as seen in ...
ButStrange New Worldshas allowed Peck to come into his own, in part by giving him space to play with the humor behind the Spock character without betraying what Nimoy established. This is nowhere more apparent than in “Spock Amok,” in which Spock and his intended T’Pril get their minds...
Star Trek: Strange New Worldswill explore the cosmos with the original captain of the Enterprise, Christopher Pike, this spring. However, the prequel series apparently has plans for Pike’s successor as well. ViaDeadline, Paul Wesley has signed on for season two as a younger version of James...
Agreed that Strange New Worlds is finally a real Star Trek show not messed about with for a modern audience as some of the ones so far have been. Amusing they had to go back to 1960s basics to achieve that but this looks like it is a Star Trek show that has figured out what works...
LastseasononStarTrek:StrangeNewWorlds... 在企业号hearts;进行五年任务时 TheKlingonWarisover.TheEnterprisewason 星联-克林贡战争结束了 itsfive-yearmission. 错过战争 Missingthewar 也对我的船员们造成了影响 tookatollonmycrew. 我释放了很多 Iveletsomethingout. 情感 Myemotions. 狂怒痛苦 Rage.Pain. 我没办...
While VI is the game that takes the medium to new heights storytelling wise, and basically invents the idea of set pieces outside of dungeons for the series, IV is where they really start pushing the boundaries of what they want to say with the series and what they want to do with the...
506 Doctor Strange: Season One GN 9/12 - GPak, ERio O: Doc reboot, now w/Sofia Di Cosimo, and Wong as equal student of Ancient One 507 New Avengers (V2) 31 12/12 End Times BMBen, MGay Bendis finale arc begins; D: Daimon Hellstrom; D: Jennifer Kale 508 New Avengers (V2) 32...
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