The gold-lamed oldies-but-goodies group was perhaps the most out-of-place act at the Aquarian love fest--but also the only one to get its own TV series. Main-man Jon (Bowser) Bauman has remained a TV personality, appearing regularly on game and variety shows and of late co-hosting KH...
There must be a party going on inside the head of James Stokoe at any given point in time. Or a riot. Either way, I picture a lot of activity, much of which probably makes its presence felt whenever he chooses to put pen to paper. Turn to any page ofGrunt, a collection of his a...
Alice would go on to enjoy an eventful remainder of her life, visiting India with Swami Satchidananda Saraswati, returning to California to found an ashram, and recording a series of increasingly experimental and well-regarded albums throughout the 1970s. Following a twenty-five-year break from ...