Argues that the facts about world events are colliding with the propaganda that passes for much of international news and comment these days. Assertion that the Americans have taken over at the United Nations; UN `reforme...
When considering only the narrow facts of the case, it is hard to see how the Supreme Court could have upheld the ban on a political documentary funded by a private non-profit group simply because it advocated against a particular political candidate. As numerous commentators have pointed out,...
Strange But True These facts are exactly what they're said to be. Retropics Remember playing Beatles or Pink Floyd albums backwards to hear hidden messages? Hear what people are saying backwards today at this website. Play-A-Day Strange little plays from newsgroups Boredom Anonymous Live in ...
a lawsuit was filed against Scott, accusing him of inciting a crowd into a frenzy prior to a man being pushed from a balcony and paralyzed. PerBillboard, the rapper also pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct after encouraging people to rush the stage during a ...
Unlike records of most of the known U-boats, the background facts of U-196 are literally all over the map. The thing is, thoseall over the mapstories are mostly no more than a number of individual stand alonehistoriespromulgated by people with their own agenda. However, if the facts of...
In fact, Curiosity’s team has already made one new discovery: The early-arrival clouds are actually at higher altitudes than is typical. Most Martian clouds hover no more than about 37 miles (60 kilometers) in the sky and are composed of water ice. But the clouds Curiosity has imaged ar...
personal odometers, but they all had one unique attribute that can’t be measured in facts and statistics. They were able to accept the death of loved ones with few questions. It hurt, of course – but they understood such things happen. Our present realm is often brutal and cold. ...
you could estimate its altitude at 40,000 feet or so. The same applies to aircraft. We know their size and wingspan so can estimate their altitude taking into consideration these known facts. But with UFO's it is a little more difficult, especially when only a glowing illuminated light sou...