美国石人金属神队 Sleep Volume One Full Album 涅凛 49 0 【美国民谣黑】AGALLOCH The White EP Remastered Full Album 涅凛 90 0 美国石人金属神队 Sleep - Iommic Life Full Ep 涅凛 17 0 【东方同人】【速弹】Demetori - 寂光寂滅 The Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha Full Album 涅凛 128...
“Strange Days” album cover Luke mentioned that you recorded “Strange Days” in ten days during the lockdown on the intro to one of the songs. Does the band thrive on the stress and pressure of those types of deadlines? For five years, we hadn’t stopped touring and recording at the ...
46 珍宝|【美国Emo/Indie Rock/噪音摇滚】evergreen - these last days 7" 10:35 珍宝|【美国传奇地下Emo/后摇】The Newfound Interest In Connecticut - Less is More or Less EP 23:39 珍宝|【美国Emo回潮】Castevet - The Echo and The Light (Full Album, 2010) 29:51 珍宝|【美国独立/后摇滚】The...
Genre/Influences: Future-Pop, Electro-Pop. Format: Digital, CD. Background/Info: Denver (USA) based Marc Sousa has unleashed the fourth opus of his sonic brainchild Voicecoil. The work is directly driven by the ‘dark days’ we’re going through. Content
and that was the setup which we used when working on Strange Days. We already had four-track for the first album [The Doors], and what I'd done was have heads made for it, got another Ampex record/play preamp, got the SelSync unit, and we built it. Then we wound up buying anoth...
Q: But I selected Priority Mail shipping. That means I’ll get it within 2-3 days, right? A:Using Priority Mail shipping does not mean that you will receive your package 2-3 days from the moment you place your order.The USPS gives an estimate of 2-3 business days for your package ...
and it was nice to see someone who was clearly rooted in the foundations of boom-bap bring it all to life in a live setting. That sort of thing isn’t common these days, so when I come across it I try to bask in it. We chatted it up backstage and at the merch table, discussing...
I recently went to Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains. I know I write too much about that event, but it is one of my favorite things to do each year. I have been four times now and had a great trip each time. This year, I managed to acquireSkullface and Othersby Howard. Thi...
“ lemonworld ”—which flips singer matt berninger’s sullen brokenness to a world-beating howl—speaks to the cathartic mode he sticks to for much of the album’s first half. the run is a pristine technicolor whir, where the seasick horns of “in a cab” swing briskly into “stone ...
Recorded by Brian Pretus (Bad Operation) and mixed by Nick Pope (Island Days), the album is rich in textural variety, easing between moments of pastoral synth subtlety and bombastic guitar squall. A sense of isolation permeates Erit Lux, as though each song exists in its own pocket ...