The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde的创作者 ··· 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 作者 作者简介 ··· 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(1850-1894)是苏格兰著名的小说家,著有长篇、短篇小说、旅行札记、诗歌和戏剧等作品。他的著名小说《化身博士》曾被多次搬上银幕。 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) It was ...
Penguin Classics(共1213册),这套丛书还有 《Under the Greenwood Tree》《The Lady of the Camellias》《The Need for Roots》《The Penguin Book of Mermaids》《The Penguin Book of English Verse》等。 喜欢读"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"的人也喜欢 ··· A Passage to India...
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - 化身博士 (英文原版)是Stevenson Robert Louis创作的英文图书类小说,QQ阅读提供Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - 化身博士 (英文原版)部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - 化身博士 (
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde(I)《化身博士》 (一)体裁2记叙文难度★★★Mr Utterson was a lawyer who was good-natured to his friends. His companions were usually distant relations from his own family, or friends that he had known for a long time.One friend in particular wa...
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson教育 0.0分 阅读人数 65803.1万字 内容简介:Scientist Dr. Henry Jekyll believes every human has two minds: one good and one evil. He develops a potion to separate them from each other. Soon, his evil mind takes over, and Dr...
"I am very low, Utterson," replied the doctor drearily, "very low. It will not last long, thank God." "You stay too much indoors," said the lawyer. "You should be out, whipping up the circulation like Mr. Enfield and me. (This is my cousin—Mr. Enfield—Dr. Jekyll.) Come ...
iGlobalist创作的有声书作品化身博士 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,目前已更新4个声音,收听最新音频章节化身博士Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde 08-09。《化身博士》是英国作家罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森创作的短篇小说,是其代表作之一。书中塑造了文学史上...
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 译后记——全书最不伦不类的地方,前面引用尼克松的回忆录毫无意义,后面的分析也主要集中在对资本主义社会极具改革开放初期时代特色的批判上,没有什么深度。后面一开始说对史蒂文森不多作介绍,却又写了一大堆作者的生平来凑字...
TheStrangeCaseofDr. JekyllandMr.Hyde ByRobertLouisStevenson Pub i b P B .Vi i i w B i i u ,b v . Ti w i i u C iv C A ibu i - N i . U i S Li . 3FreeeBooksatPlaneteBook STORYOFTHEDOOR MR.U ERSONthe w w u u - , w v i b i ; , b i i u ;b w i i ;...
First published in 1886 as a "shilling shocker," Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde takes the basic struggle between good and evil and adds to the mix bourgeois respectability, urban violence and class conflict. The result is a tale that has taken on the force of myth in the popular imagination. Steve...