Stranded: Alien Dawn vous pousse dans vos derniers retranchements. Des ressources limitées, un climat imprévisible, la maladie et des créatures hostiles... Difficile de s'établir dans ce monde impitoyable. Le prochain défi n'est jamais très loin. Vous devrez construire une base de plus...
Hello Survivors!A new patch for Stranded: Alien Dawn has just landed, including a few bug fixes and minor improvements. Thank you again for all your feedback an... 1.21.231212Find out more Hello Survivors!A new patch for Stranded: Alien Dawn has just landed on Steam. Thank you again for...
Take up the rebel cause and extend your Stranded: Alien Dawn experience with this brand-new scenario. You have liberated Hope, the first sentient android, and have been forced to take refuge on an uncharted alien planet in the Outer Worlds. Defend against the threat of the ruthless ...
Stranded: Alien Dawn Roboter und Vormunde 12,99 €5,19 € -60% Beschreibung Kaufe die Premiumversion von Stranded: Alien Dawn, um das vielfach ausgezeichnete Basisspiel zusammen mit dem erweiterten neuen DLC "Robots and Guardians" zu erhalten. Teste deine Überlebensfähigkeiten, bewältige...
请到PlayStation 官方网站浏览针对 主机推出的 游戏 Stranded: Alien Dawn 。查看 Stranded: Alien Dawn 功能、新闻、视频、屏幕截图,立即到 PlayStation Store 购买游戏
Expand your Stranded: Alien Dawn experience. After liberating Hope, the first sentient android, you are driven to refuge in the Outer Worlds. Make your stand against the ruthless manufacturing consortium attempting to destroy her before she achieves full
Brave a new world in Stranded: Alien Dawn, a planet survival sim placing the fate of a small marooned group in your hands. Forge your story through compelling and immersive strategic gameplay as you make vital decisions to protect your survivors from starvation, disease, extreme weather and more...
In Stranded: Alien Dawn, every playthrough is unique. Experience a journey driven by random story events, alien wildlife threats and adverse weather. There will be setbacks; devise your own innovative solutions to problems and manage multiple crises at the same time. However, actions have consequen...
Stranded: Alien Dawn treibt dich und deine Überlebenden ans Äußerste. Begrenzte Ressourcen, unvorhersehbares Wetter, Krankheit und feindselige Alien-Kreaturen erschweren es dir, in einer unerbittlichen Welt Fuß zu fassen. Die nächste Herausforderung wartet sicher schon und erfordert...
Stranded: Alien Dawn spinge te e i sopravvissuti fino al limite. Risorse limitate, clima imprevedibile, malattie e creature aliene ostili rendono difficile la vita su un pianeta tanto inospitale. Le sfide si succedono una dopo l'altra e richiedono la costruzione di una base sempre più ...