1️⃣Strand书店快100岁了(图1) 1927年,本·巴斯(Ben Bass)用600美元创办,其中有300美元还是找朋友借的。 2️⃣Strand书店该店高4楼、涵盖30余个藏书区域,(图2),分块藏书一目了然(图3),书目包括: Architecture Art Children's Cooking Crafts Fashion Photography Rare Books Young Adults Restrooms ...
Legendary Home of 18 Miles of Books. Independent and Family-Owned Bookstore Since 1927. New York's Largest New, Used and Rare Booksellers.
Legendary Home of 18 Miles of Books. Independent and Family-Owned Bookstore Since 1927. New York's Largest New, Used and Rare Booksellers.
Address:828 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 Phone:+12124731452 Website:http://strandbooks.com Bookstores Used Bookstores The Smile A cozy, subterranean café on picturesque Bond Street in Downtown Manhattan. Located in a landmark 1830s Federal-style townhouse, the café is firmly rooted in the ...
拜访我们的网站www.strandbooks.com,并购买我们的礼物; 拜访我们的实体店铺; 邀请你的朋友来书店逛逛。 告诉更多的人——分享这封邮件,并且在社交平台的#savethestrand话题下发表帖子。 尽快购物,并且在本地购物! 接下来几个月对于Strand书店的未来而言至关重要。我们能指望您的帮助吗?
Gift Cards Subscriptions Rare & Collectibles Sell Your Books & MoreWhere is that bookshelf... Our booksellers can't seem to find the page you are looking for.If you would like to continue browsing our store Go back to Home Footnotes LEARN MORE About the Strand Locations & Hours Work at ...
Address:828 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 Phone:+12124731452 Website:http://strandbooks.com Bookstores Used Bookstores How far is it from Brooklyn Bridge to Strand Bookstore? How do I schedule a Lyft ride from Brooklyn Bridge to Strand Bookstore? How many passengers can ride in a Lyft?
The Strand is the most iconic bookstore in New York City—and an iconic place to work. Now the store’s union says the owner Nancy Bass Wyden has ignored their rights during the pandemic.
STRAND BOOKSTORE The Strand opened in 1927 on Book Row in the East Village. Of the 48 shops located there at the time, only the Strand remains—the city’s largest independent bookstore today. This book lovers’ paradise rightly advertises with the slogan “18 Miles of Books.” An ...