All About Curly and Straight Quotes There are two types of quotation marks. The first (and probably most familiar) are curly quotes. These are the ones you’ll see in most books and online articles. As the name suggests, they curl around letters. They look something like this: ...
The short answer is just about every time you use quotation marks. Choosing whether to use curly quotes vs. straight quotes is largely a style preference. Though in most cases, as a student or professional, it’ll be assumed that you’ll use curly quotes. Here are some examples of how c...
The discovery platforms were tested using quotation characters and the absence of said characters to investigate platform behavior. Searches were categorized into one of five groups: CI (curly ignored), CA (curly acknowledged), CU (curly unclear), NP (no phrases), and UC (unsupported...
作者: 李萌 摘要: 活动目标 1.帮助幼儿理解,记住,并会使用一对反义词(straight and curly). 2.通过全英文授课和形象的事物,训练幼儿的思维能力. 活动准备 在黑板上系上绳子,剪好的即时贴,活动室地上用即时贴做成公路. 活动过程 DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZQJY.0.2004-02-013 年份: 2004 收藏...