MARTINI, STRAIGHT UP.Reports that some girls from Finland dip tampons in vodka to absorb the alcohol into their bloodstreams in an attempt to prevent breath odors associated with drinking of alcoholic beverages.Cassingham, RandySk...
straight up, served without ice: a martini straight up. [1250–1300; (adj.); orig. past participle of Middle English strecchen to stretch] straight′ly, adv. straight′ness, n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991...
straight up, served without ice: a martini straight up. [1250–1300; (adj.); orig. past participle of Middle English strecchen to stretch] straight′ly, adv. straight′ness, n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991...
Classic examples of drinks served straight up are a martini, manhattans, sidecars, sazeracs, pisco sours, and grasshoppers. These are mixed drinks that are chilled with ice and then served without. Straight Ok, this is where it actually does get confusing. Firstly, It’s common to hear ...
there is the scramble to find the only other single woman/gay man at the wedding with whom I can share a double room. The trawl for affordable-yet-memorable gifts on the online registry. In fact, do you know how many sets of martini glasses I’ve bought my married friends over the ye...
(Martini) 攪拌法(Stirring) 雞尾酒杯(Cocktail glass) 紅心橄欖(Olive)/ 檸檬皮(Lemon twist) 紅粉佳人(Pink Lady) 搖盪法(Shaking) 雞尾酒杯(Cocktail glass) 新加坡司令(Singapore Sling) 搖盪法(Shaking) 可林杯(Collins) 柳橙片(Orange slice)、紅櫻桃(Cherry) 橘花(Orange Blossom) 搖盪法(Shaking) 雞尾...
1876 Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey is the sixth product in the San Luis Spirits family, joining Well No. 1876 Vodka, Dripping Springs Vodka, Dripping Springs Texas Orange Vodka, Dripping Springs Artisan Gin and Dripping Springs Traditional Gin. ...
there is the scramble to find the only other single woman/gay man at the wedding with whom I can share a double room. The trawl for affordable-yet-memorable gifts on the online registry. In fact, do you know how many sets of martini glasses I’ve bought my married friends over the ye...
fresh 5 3 Not up for a full steak dinner? Then grab a bite in the bar. Start your meal with a trademark ten-minute martini, cre- ated by bar manager Pat Carden. He neither stirs not shakes the gin and vermouth, but merely introduces them. He then leaves the pair alone to mingle ...
Fino MartiniGet This Recipe “The universe I was creating in my mind was probably 70 percent of my affinity for Stan Jones,” Farran tells me of his approach. “And after that were the drinks.” We can imagine a world where Jones’s efforts caught on, where he played a role in the ...