"Straight Outta Compton" tells the story of five friends who formed the hip-hop group N.W.A, and "CBS This Morning" co-host Gayle King spoke with one of its original members, Ice Cube, and his son, who plays him in the film, O'Shea Jackson Jr. Before the group was formed, fi...
Straight Outta Compton stars Ice Cube's son O'Shea Jackson Jr. as his father, Corey Hawkins as Dr. Dre, Jason Mitchell as Eazy-E, Neil Brown Jr. as DJ Yella, and Aldis Hodge as MC Ren. Your browser does not support the video tag. ...
Oshea Jackson Jr Straight Outta Compton 3:45 Neil Brown Straight Outta Compton 2:59 Paul Giamatti Straight Outta Compton 2:25 Scott Berstein Straight Outta Compton 2:33 Theatrical Trailer Straight Outta Compton 167 2:15 Straight Outta Compton: A Look Inside (Featurette) (Australia) Straight Outta...
Straight Outta Compton: Fab 5 Freddy Shooting In L.A. (Featurette) Straight Outta Compton 1 2:39 Dr Dre Straight Outta Compton 5:31 B-roll Straight Outta Compton 5:43 Oshea Jackson Jr Straight Outta Compton 3:45 Neil Brown Straight Outta Compton 2:59 Paul Giamatti Straight Outta Compton ...
Marcos Taylor 卡拉·帕特森 Carra Patterson 亚历山德拉·希普 Alexandra Shipp 科瑞·雷诺兹 Corey Reynolds ◎简 介 1980年代中期,加州康普顿的街头因犯罪、毒品、黑帮等问题成为美国最危险的地方之一,五个出身此地的年轻人:爱斯·库柏(小奥谢拉·杰克逊 O’Shea Jackson Jr. 饰)、MC Ren(阿尔迪斯·霍吉 Aldis ...
to the top of the Billboard charts, featuring Cube’s son O’Shea Jackson Jr. playing the role of his father. “Undeniably of the moment, it’s also timeless in its depiction of how artists and writers transform the world around them into angry, profane, vibrant and singular personal expr...
(O’Shea Jackson Jr., son of the real Ice Cube), in Reagan-era Compton, Niggaz Wit Attitudes is born—and the group’s disparate histories are retold as if to achieve maximum balance between juicy real-life anecdotes and the hip-hop lore that’s haunted the N.W.A legend to this day...
【致敬Eazy-E】电影"Straight Outta Compton"再发宣传片,N.W.A成员集体向已故的Eazy-E致敬。电影由F. Gary Gray执导,O’Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins和Jason Mitchell starring等人主演。影片8月14日公映。 LStraight Outta Compton - Featurette_ 'Fab ... ¡查看图片 û...
Straight Outta Compton: Fab 5 Freddy Shooting In L.A. (Featurette) Straight Outta Compton 1 2:39 Dr Dre Straight Outta Compton 5:31 B-roll Straight Outta Compton 5:43 Oshea Jackson Jr Straight Outta Compton 3:45 Neil Brown Straight Outta Compton 2:59 Paul Giamatti Straight Outta Compton ...