Background The straight leg raise (SLR) is the most commonly applied physical tests on patients with sciatica, but the sensitivity and specificity ratings for disc hernia and neural compression leave areas for improvement. Hip internal rotation tensions the lumbosacral nerve roots and ankle ...
For this reason, the Slump test for sciatica is often the clinician's first choice in the clinic; it is less traumatic to test the sitting patient. However, on examining the patient at home, where he will almost certainly be lying down, Lasegue's is more usually the test done for sciati...
The straight leg raise test is attributed to Charles Lasegue, a French clinician who described two cases of sciatica aggravated by weight-bearing, hip, and knee flexion in “Thoughts of Sciatica” in 1864. Nonetheless, Dr. Lasegue did not describe the test as a provoked pain; instead, his s...
The straight leg raise test is one of the most commonly known orthopedic examination tests used in the assessment of lumbar radicular syndrome. What constitutes a positive test varies significantly within the literature, where some authors compare the angle of passive hip flexion between the affected...
In 1999,Vroomen et al4 performed a systematic review of 37 studies regarding diagnostic accuracy of the SLR test in patients with sciatica due to lumbar disk herniation (LDH). The authors established that the SLR test was the only sign consistently reported as being sensitive for sciatica due ...
Correction to: Extending the straight leg raise test for improved clinical evaluation of sciatica: validity and diagnostic performance with reference to the magnetic resonance imagingESLR sensitivity for nerve root compression 0.75 0.60 ESLR specificity for nerve root compression 0.50 0.67 Traditional SLR ...
Sciatica refers to radiculitis or radiculopathy of the lumbosacral spine. Patients suffering from sciatica feel lower back pain, which may extend to the buttock, hamstring, calf, and foot. Lumbar radiculopathy due to prolapsed intervertebral disc is unusual before the second...
SciaticaThis study investigated whether the reported straight leg raise (SLR) test-retest reliability is an artefact of motor . Six SLR measurements were performed by one therapist on 16 subjects with a symptomatic SLR. Distance cues available to the subjects were manipulated by systematic variation ...
SPECIFICITYSENSITIVITYSCIATICABackground: Lumbar nerve root compression is a pathological condition that occurs commonly in the low back pain population. Passive straight leg raise (SLR) is a clinical test widely used to confirm this pathological condition. Yet, its diagnostic accuracy needs further ...
intervertebral disc herniationIVDLBPlow back painneurodynamicsradiculopathysciaticaSLRspinal cordstraight leg raiseStudy Design. Controlled radiological study.Rade, MarinkoPesonen, JanneKonoen, MerviMarttila, JarkkoShacklock, MichaelVanninen, RitvaKankaanpaa, MarkkuAiraksinen, Olavi...