Sysinternals 工具集,drmemory,stracent,crashdoctor 都是不错的工具,可以方便windows 程序的分析 参考资料
Sysinternals 工具集,drmemory,stracent,crashdoctor 都是不错的工具,可以方便windows 程序的分析 参考资料
Last commit date Latest commit History 39 Commits extrn/ihulib hlp make src .gitignore readme.txt StraceNT --- This program is a Linux strace clone for Windows. It uses IAT patching and provides an efficient way to monitor API calls made by various DLLs. Compile --- - Use Visual Studio...
虽然有命令行版本的stracefor windows,但windows上的实际GUI等效于strace是Sysinternals。除了允许您查看文件、注册表、网络和其他系统调用之外,procmon还允许您使用向它发送一个简单的字符串进行printf()调试。我是否可以在unix上进行相同的API调用,将任意消息发送到其strace输出?
strace for windows 已编译 straceNT.exe 之前上传了strace for windows 源码,但有些人表示 不会编译,现在上传已经编译后的straceNT.exe,可以直接运行。编译环境为Windows 10 x64位操作系统。 上传者:booybooy时间:2018-07-02 strace调试工具移植.zip strace strace strace strace strace strace strace strace strace...
1.2 Windows调试工具集应用场合一组调试器和工具当前版本6.6.0007.5下载地址 Windows调试工具集(Debugging ToolsforWindows)是一个内容丰富的软件包,它包含了一些功能强大的调试器和工具,可以极大地提高开发人员的工作效率。在下载地址中可以选择32位或者64位 调试工具Serial...
If no targets are provided, but a collection path has been specified, the path is searched for pre-existing traces to be analyzed. If none are found, the localhost is targeted using the current session's credentials inferring the host's role from installed Windows features. 展开表 Type: ...
在Unix系统中遇见"Segmentation Fault"就像在MS Windows中弹出"非法操作"对话框一样令人讨厌。OK,我们用truss 给clint"把把脉": # truss -f -o clint.truss clint Segmentation fault (core dumped) # tail clint.truss 739: read(0x6,0x806f000,0x1000) = 4096 (0x1000) ...
Print raw, undecoded arguments for the specified set of system calls. This option has the effect of causing all arguments to be printed in hexadecimal.This is mostly useful if you don’t trust the decoding or you need to know the actual numeric value of an argument. ...